Chapter 2

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You pov:
Nah its ok. said the blonde boy. Are you sure I feel terrible for bumping into you. You say. Yah where sure by the way have you seen a giant hammer that nobody can hold? Asked the boy making shapes with his hands. A hammer let me think..... O yes the giant hammer it over there behind that giant mountain where the one house is on. I say pointing towards the mountain. OK thanks said the boy leaving with his friends waving back at me. I then wonder if they thought if I was a guy because of the cloak surrounding me. (Just like the one diane wears in the competition except it has a hood covering your face and it's a little torn by the ends of it.) I wonder why would they would be asking about the hammer. I mean it's not like they can wield it. Whatever I better get going back to my sis. But I heard there is a festival and I love to join them for extra money also just to get a kick out of beating these humans. Screw it I'm going to the festival to fight! I exclaim dropping the bag of ice and running to the battle area.

■¤time skip¤■

When I got there, there where a bunch of people in the arena. I was waiting for the referee to yell start. But while I was waiting I decided to scope out who's opponents are strong and weak that I will face. While I was scoping out the competition I saw the a person I a purple cloak and hat, a buff guy with armor except his chest, a old man, a blonde guy who looks tough, and those 3 guys I bumped into earlyer. WAIT THOSE 3 GUYS FROM EARLYER!!! I wonder what there doing here aren't they here for the hammer? Whatever I don't have time to blabber. Then the referee yelled start and the fight began. I was just looking around for people to fight. Then a big guy came up to me and said " hey there twig I don't think you belong here." I just sighed and kicked him out of the ring really hard and he went flying out of the ring. A few other people came up to me and started to fight me so I got in my fight stance and fought them.(o yah since your a spirit and you train a lot ur fricking strong as hell. Like fricking your kinda built. But you have big boons and butt if u like that I know judge.)

◇♧time skip◇♧

Finally the preliminary rounds are over and there are 8 of us left. The people that are left are all the people I pointed out. We were all then moved into the waiting room and we had to draw sticks to see who we will be fighting. And this is how it went.
Meliodif vs the old man # 1
Madrona vs howser # 2
Ban vs (y/n) # 3
King vs griamor # 4

Alright I'm all fired up for this! I mentally exclaim.

☆○time skip☆○ I'm lazy

Alright my battle is up with the guy in the apron. But it seems like he got a shirt finally but I liked him better in the apron he so .. wait no shut Dumbass I can't get distracted I'm fighting him but still he's so... nope be quiet I'm fighting right now so let's go. I mentally exclaim/thought. I started walking into the ring with my cloak still on starring right into the man I'm facing's soul. And he was doing the exact same. We keep doing this until we where 10 feet apart and the referee to say take off my cloak. I then tensed think someone might recognize me as the harvest and hunting spirit. I think the man and his friends noticed I did so I recollected myself and started to lift my cloak. Some people where leaning in trying to see how I look like mostly guys. Perverts I thought. As it got higher and higher and closer an closer to my face I'm started to become more worried. By my chest area I stopped and I was like screw it and I through my cloak off and it flew into the air and landed on the ground beside me. I heard a few whispers hear and there say o look she so beautiful or like I wish she was my wife instead of my current one. But one of the comments that someone made, made me turn around and it was doesn't she look fimilar like the story in the book of the spirits? That's when I got nervous and great to know some people noticed it. Whatever I have to focus and so I got in my fighting position and so did he. I then smirked and said before we start don't go easy just because I'm a girl. He then smirked and said sure gladly. Then the referee said start and then we are off. I then punched him in the stomach and he coughed up blood but had to lower my punch strength so I don't punch a hole into him. He then punched me in my gut skyward and said nice punch you got there I think you can do better. I then landed hard In the ground with no cuts or bruises and stood up and smirked and said If I did there would be a hole in you right now and that wouldn't be a pretty sight would it. Then I started started rapid firing punches at him and he starts to spit up more blood and I knock him back but he stops at the edge of the ring. He then says smirking go ahead and punch a hole through me watch what happens. I then gave him are you crazy look and I just go ahead anyways and punch a hole through him. He falls to the ground but he starts regenerating back. I looked at him shocked and he starts smirking and catches Mr off guard and punches me in the head and I fly back but I stop myself from going out of the ring. I notice my head is in a 180 and I'm facing backwards. I then start to laugh turning my head back around o face the correct way. So you immortal to he says laughing. We'll yah who would eles survive the punches you land on me. I say put my hands on my hips.We'll yah, buuut let's fight for real now and make it last. He says. OK then Ban the undead fox sin of greed. I say smirking whispering but loud enough for him to hear. Alright then tell your name so it can be official also its not kind for a lady not to introduce herself. He says. OK let's just hope people won't follow me for this or do anything stupid I sigh. My name it (F/n) (L/n) the fox spirit of hunting and harvest! I exclaim. I then hear gasps and omg a around and chatting about how a spirit got in a fighting tournament. OK cool I get to fight a immortal ghost. Ban says getting in a fighting stance. Then ticks appeared on my head and I started to get angry. You Baka ghosts and spirits are different things ghost are dead and spirits are alive and have 2 forms! Get that straight! I exclaim. Ooo did I anger the she ghost. He says rubbing his eyes pretending fake tears are coming out. O shut up and let's fight, it's not everyday I fight a sin and a immortal. I say getting in my fighting stance. Alright let's go! He says running at me ready to punch. Yah you got it! I say doing the same thing. And our fist collide and a huge boom went ofoff because of how hard we hit and leaves cracks in the ground.

♤♡TIME SKIP♤♡ I'm lazy -_-

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