Chapter One- Hello There

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Hello, my name is Julietta Servis. I am a natural red head, I've got pretty pasty even for a white girl, olive green eyes, and if you really want to know more about what I look like, I have an average build, and I'm about 5'5". Well anyway, this is the story of how I learned that I've been lied to my whole life.

When I was two, my doctor diagnosed me with a disease that's so rare that there was apparently no name for it yet. Because of my alleged disease, I had to get a blood test once a week, and a body scan once a month. My mom said it was all done as a precaution, but I didn't understand what they thought was going to happen to me. Was my body suddenly going to collapse or something? At least, that's what they made it seem like. I didn't really know what was wrong with me, even by the time I was sixteen, my mom didn't like it when I found out about what's wrong with me for some reason. I now know why.

I winced as the needle plunged into my bicep that fateful morning. Ugg, I hated shots. Most people would think that I'd be used to them. I guess I'm not the kind of person that adapts to things so easily.

"All done!" chirped Dr. Richardson, taking the neele out of my arm. "Nice job, Julietta. Compared to toddlers, you did excellent!" Dr. Richardson thinks that he's funnier than Bill Cosby, but all of his jokes are about as corney as a cornfield.

"Please, call me Julie.." I asked the doctor. I hate it when people call me Julietta. It sounds too old for me.

"Okey-doke! See you next week Julie!" chortled Richards. I waved goodbye and then began to navigate out of the maze of the building with my mom, Marylyn, trailing behind me. Even my Mother had a better name than I did!

"Well, now you can crack down on that homework!" Cheered my mom. I moaned. I was a straight-A student, but that didn't mean that I enjoyed schoolwork. I just had time to focus on school since I don't like to hang out with my friends outside of school very much.

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