Chapter Two- Eavesdropping

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'Finally!' I thought as I finished my schoolwork. This reminded my of my favorite quote from The Lord of the Rings: "It's over. It's done."

I heard my mom talking in her bedroom, which creeped me out a little because I was an only child and my dad had left shorty after I was born. I listened, and realized that she was talking on the phone. I heard her say my name. Eager to discover who she was talking to, and why she was talking about me, I tiptoed out of my room and stopped next to her closed door so I could eavesdrop better. I soon realized that she must be using Skype or Facetime because I could hear Dr. Richardson on the other line.

"She's doing much better than we expected." Said Dr. Richardson. I tensed- they were talking about my disease! I pressed my ear to the door, eager to hear more. "We didn't think it would work this long. " I felt a stap of emotion through my chest. My disease didn't seem that serious to me- how could it be life-threatening?

"I just feel so proud....." mused my mother. Proud of what? Raising me? "It is such an honor to be able to participate in this...experiment," A red flag went up in my mind. 'Did she just call me an experiment?' I thought to myself.
"The cloning worked much better that I thought it would. The scans look excellent, even after all these years!" Said the doctor enthusiastically.

'WHAT?!?' I screamed my mind. I vaguely remembered my last scan, the week before the appointment. It had been the usual routine, like every other time, stripping down, putting on that hospital looking garb they give you, and then awkwardly waiting for the machine to finish... Why would that be so exiting for the doctor?

My mom began speaking again, so I silenced the racing thoughts in my head. "I just cannot belive this, any of this. Who knew that she'd last so long?" This was too much for me. Unaware of what I was doing, I accidentally put most of my weight against the door, which had a broken lock, resulting in it swinging wide open. I fell onto the floor and looked up, and saw my mother, holding her iPad with FaceTime open, revealing the face of Dr. Richardson. For a few minutes, all we did was stare at each other . Then, I spoke up; "What am I?"

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