Chapter Four- The Encounter

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When I woke up, I was in an empty white room with floors soft enouh to be comfortable. The room was a perfect sqare, about 8 by 8 feet. I checked to see if I was still wearing the same thing I was before I woke up here. Same white tank top, blue skinny jeans with the bottom rolled up past my ankles, and blue flats. So far I've deduced that they didn't mess with my body, which sounds silly, but to me it was a huge relief.

I looked around and saw that there was a slot by the door for food. I slowly walked over to the steel door and pulled the handle, but it was locked of course. The food slot was way too small to fit through, but I opened it anyway to see if I could see anything. Straight across a spotless hallway from me was a door, identical to mine from what I could see. Then I heard footsteps coming from somewhere else in the hallway, so I quickly shut the trap door and ran over to the corner of the room that I"d woken up in.

I noticed a video camera, and it was too tall for me to reach. I walked over to it so I stood right in front of it, and I waved it hello.
"You know, a person could get really depressed in here." I folded my arms.
"Maybe I could get a stroke and poof! There goes all of your hard, hard work, right down the drain!"

I looked around the room, and my eyes drifted back to the door. I stared at the steel door, and wondered when or if it would open. Just then the door opened and a man in a lab coat looked inside.
"Dr. Richardson wishes to see you in his office"

When I walked into the Doctor's office, he sat facing forward making the same gesture as the famous 'thinker' sculpture. I could tell he was worried about something, but at the same time, I was too pissed off to care.

"Julie, sorry about the shot earlier, but it was the only way to bring you here, and explain things to you." He said as I sat down on the right chair in front of his desk.
I laughed.
"Really? Tranquilizing me like a wild animal, and then putting me in a cage was the only sensible think you could do?"

"I didn't think that.." He started.
"Ooh, you're damn right you didn't think!" I interjected.
He stared at me for a moment with that thinker look again.
"You're right. It was wrong of me to treat you like an animal. I'm sorry for making you feel that way." He said sounding pretty honest about his words.
"Just don't ever do that again." I said under my breath.
He smiled.
"Well, now for the matter at hand." He said sounding more relaxed. He then pressed a button on the desk phone, and said
"let her through please".
My heart began to pound rapidly, and vigorously. I froze up as I then heard the door open, and someone walk in.

"Julie, I'm so glad you could join us." The doctor said happily.
"Don't give that bullshit doc! What the hell did you tranquilize me like a fucking wild animal for!?" I heard a girl's voice shout angrily.
This really scared me. Her voice sounded exactly like mine, and she was even complaining about the same thing I was.
Now I didn't turn, but I could tell she looked at me. I felt it, if that makes any sense.

"Is... Is this..? Her?" I heard the girl ask in a much more calm, and quiet voice.

"Juliet, I'd like for you to meet Julietta. Julietta, this is Juliet." The doctor said standing up, and introduced us."
I slowly rose from my seat, and turned around, and felt my heart racing. When I saw Juliet for the first time, I was in complete disbelief. It was so surreal. I literally thought she was my reflection for a few moments. I think that she did too, because she had the same look of disbelief that I had. She not only had my face, which I was expecting, but she even had the same hair as me. I mean her hair was literally as long as mine was. But what was even more odd was the fact that we were both wearing the exact same thing.

We stared at each other in silence for at least several minutes. Then finally, Juliet spoke up.

"You're my clone?" She asked almost whispering.
"Yeah" I said in the same tone. I couldn't help but feel sad, and inferior to her when she said 'my clone'. I think she noticed that those words got to me, because she then had a look of pity on her face.

"Why didn't you ever tell us about this doctor?" She asked angrily again, but did not take her eyes off mine.
"Did it ever occur to you that I don't want a clone of me!?" She said facing him, but then turned to me again.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you're a nice girl, but I don't think it's right to go around cloning people and not telling them." She said to me, lowering her volume.

"Don't worry, I agree with you. He's an asshole." I said smiling, and saw that Juliet smiled back, then we both turned to face the doctor with our mad look.

"Girls please calm down. I didn't tell you two because that was part of the experiment. I was just following orders." He said looking back and forth between us.

"Whatever." Juliet and I said in unison.

"Well now that we've settled down.." The doctor started. "We can get to the next phase of this experiment."

"And what.." Juliet and I said in unison before looking at each other. "Might that be?" We finished.
The doctor smiled. " Well exactly what your doing now. Interacting." He said with a grin on his face.
"And how..." Juliet and I said in unison again before stopping. "You go first. After all your the older one" I told Juliet. She smiled and turned to the doctor.
"And how exactly is that going to work?" She asked sternly.
"Well originally I was going to have to two of you live in the living quarters here in the lab. But after seeing that you two don't want to be treated like lab rats, I'll just have you to live in Juliet's house." He said.
"What!?" Juliet and I snapped in unison, only this time we didn't take our eyes off the doctor.
"Well since Julietta's mom, or should I say, handler, has been reassigned to a different mission, there's no one there to act as a legal guardian for Julietta. The only place left for Julietta that isn't this laboratory, is Juliet's house. However I won't force this on you two. It's your choice" said the doctor calmly, but still smiling.

At that point I was certain that I was going to live as a lab rat for the rest of my life. I was already starting to tear up from the thought of being a lab rat, and never seeing my house again.
After a moment of silence, Juliet looked at me, and I guess she saw that I was truly saddened by what was going on.
"Well what's it going to be?" The doctor asked smiling.
After a few seconds of him asking, Juliet reached out for my thigh, and gently grabbed my hand. I looked up turned to her, and saw she was smiling warmly at me. I looked at her, and I was filled with a warm and happy feeling. She then turned to the doctor.
"She'll live with me"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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