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Some of the comments from last chapter.... Let me make sure not to run into none of y'all cause y'all were UPSET 💀.

Samaria and Denita in the MM.


Waking up the next morning was horrible to say the least. I was instantly reminded of where I was and what I'd done the night before when I seen August laying next to me. In his bed.

"Oh, God." I looked over and August was still sound asleep as if I wasn't moving the whole bed with my quick, jittery movements. Recalling prior events had to be the worst for me right now. I felt sick to my stomach knowing what I'd just done. Odell would be so pissed... if only he paid that much attention to me to even listen to me.

I began composing ideas in my mind about how I'd tell him about this but it'd only become harder with each method. Not only would he flip on me for having sex with another man, but he'd flip because I left the kids with his mom to do so. It'd be better to tell him sooner than later, especially with the baby being away, I have a chance.

I nudged August while I called his name. When he woke up, I told him that I would be leaving now. He questioned why I was leaving so early, but I insisted that I had to go. My persistence was shut down due to me not having my car leaving me with no option but to depend on him for a ride.

"I'a make you breakfast and we ca' getcha car. I know you gotta get home to ya husband and kids. I respect that and I should'a respected that aspect of ya life befo being so quick to take action last night. I'm sorry." He spoke low and soft as if he was ashamed by his actions.

"It's not your fault. I came at you looking for an escape from reality, now I'm feeling like shit for what I did to them." Picking at my nails and hanging my head down was always something I'd done when I know I'm wrong.

"It's cool, man. Everybody fuck up at some point inna relationship. Na', y'all gotta come together and heal that wound. From what you told me, that wound is huge and it's painful. Y'all should'a been tryna fix that shit long ago." He advised.

"Should I really be taking advise from you?" I giggled with much rasp in my voice. "Maybe not." He joked. The morning sun was bouncing off of his smooth skin and made his smile shine even brighter.

I took heed of my swooning so I quickly got up to clean myself up a bit while he prepared a breakfast for the two. As we ate, we held slight conversation but not much. The environment was very awkward and cautious. I felt like anything I'd do or say may have been the wrong move so I just stayed to myself.

After eating, August did as promised and dropped me off to my car. He made sure I drove off safely before he left the bar's parking lot. I didn't go back to Heather's house with the baby first. I needed to tell Odell quickly. I didn't want this issue to prolong itself. I'm hoping that he'd forgive me sooner or later. Of course, it won't be easy but am I wrong to dream big?

It felt like I was about to turn myself in to the police pulling up to the house. I didn't think it'd be this nerve wrecking, but it was. I took a few deep breaths before making my way inside.

The living room TV's volume was all the way up. The fact that we had a sound system for it made it no better. I didn't even bother turning it down some because I didn't want to kill their vibe knowing that I would when I told Odell anyways.

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