Chapter 7

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Sorry I haven't posted recently, been dealing with some stuff... But I'm back!

Without further ado here is the next chappy

Chapter 7

Aurora's POV

"Do you like clowns?" Liam asked.

"Who the fuck likes clowns?! They're creepy and are always smiling." I responded. Liam was trying to take my mind off the fact that we are descending and if something goes wrong the plane could crash and we could all die in a fiery explosion that burns u- well so much for not thinking about it.

"Um, no one I guess. Favorite bands?"

"Lets see, well I listen to a little of everything so Pierce The Veil, Black Veil Brides, One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, Hot Chelle Rae, The Fray, The Script, All Time Low and Train." I replied.

"Really? 5 Seconds of Summer is my favorite band! Ashton is just so amazing."

"I know right! I don't like how on twitter people will be like '5sos are my new favorite boyband' like no. Just stop." I said.

"You have a twitter?" He asked.

"What no, I don't even know what that is. Sounds like a bird. Ok I might have one. Ok I do have one but no one must know, NO ONE!" I may or may not have screamed that last part so you know the stewardess was coming over but then I looked out the window and realized we were freakin descending and I could die.

So me being me I burst into hysterical tears.

At that point everyone except Sam and Liam were just ignoring me.

"So I'm really not sure how someone as sweet and kind and well um, sassy as you can be cold and uncaring towards people." Liam said tentatively.

"Well I have a mantra that basically when I say it a couple times in my head I just stop caring about that person." I said thoughtfully.

"We'll I thought you would've done that about Dam-" he started.

"He shall not be named!" I said dramatically, I think my eye twitched.

"Who, Voldemort?" Sam asked joining the conversation.

"Silence peasant! Why must you make my ears bleed with your words?!" I started convulsing violently in my seat then went limp with a glossy stare in my blue eyes that I mastered years ago.

Silly Liam thought I was serious and was about to hyperventilate which would've been funny to watch but he could've sucked all the air out of the plane and then we'd have no oxygen and then we'd all slowly begin to suffocate with lack of oxygen and I might have to kill people so they don't use up my oxygen. My precious precious oxygen. I think I would kill-

"Do you think she realizes that she's talking out loud or...?" Liam whispered to Sam.

"No she doesn't realize it but I'm sure does now."

"So who would you kill first?" Liam asked.

"Probably you, Liam." I said in a creepy child's voice smiling slightly and tilting my head slightly widening my eyes. I mastered this look to creep out everyone. Apparently my blue eyes 'stare into the depths of people's souls'.

"I, um b-but why, I I mean I... I d-didn't, you -" he stuttered.

"You should've seen your face, dude! Man... If only I had a camera. Crap, I don't own a camera. Damn it, I was going to try and give up cursing. Fuck it I can't do this shit! Ok Aurora, what you need to do is buy a camera. Problem solved." I was feeling very accomplished until Sam and Liam started laughing their arse's off and clapping like retarded seals.

"We have landed at the airport now if you would please unfasten your seat belts and take your carry on bags and calmly walk out of the plane, have a nice day." The stewardess said.

"Getcho asses up we got shit to do." I said in mock annoyance. I grabbed my carry on and made my way into the aisle.

'Calmly walk out of the plane' my butt. Jesus these people were pushing and shoving and someone elbowed me in the boob. That's when shit got real.

"All right people keep your hands, feet and elbows to yourself. We are all going to the same goddamned place and if you would quit ya shoving we would be getting there a lot faster!" I said over the noise of the plane. Somewhere in there my inner Irish accent came out and I just wanted to leave before anyone pointed it out.

As I stood in the front of the plane I said with a mock bow" Now a good day to you all." And I walked off the plane.

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