Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Aurora's POV

"How did he find out?" I heard someone talking on the phone. Yesterday after Ash dropped me in the ocean we were out there all day just messing around and swimming so when we got back to the house I just passed out on the couch.

"It's a private number! Wait, are you fucking with me right now because this isn't even funny." The voice, which I now recognize to be Liam, said. I kept my facial featured still but on the inside I was freaking out. Liam never cursed, I mean never. Not even that one time Will and I dyed his hair blue.

"I knew they were rich but not that rich! Ugh... We have to leave. I'll talk to the others and see if they're ok with it." Leave? Why would we leave? We were supposed to be spending another month here.

"Of course not, only Mike, Sam, Austin and I know. The others would all tell her." Tell me what? Jeez, I think it's time for me to wake up.

I breathed in deeply and yawned stretching up my arms. I sat up and heard Liam mutter a quick 'gotta go' before hanging up his phone.

"Who was that?" I asked making sure to mask my face in confusion.

"No one important, just some staff." He said blinking rapidly. That's his telltale, all the boys have one. Sam's is really easy, she'll start tapping against her leg or become really fidgety. Will hasn't ever lied to me but he lied to Luke once and Will can't make eye contact. Luke will tussle or mess with his hair or pull on it when he lies. Mike tends to jut out his bottom lip, which I find really weird. Ash gets a twitch in his left eyebrow which he really should see a doctor about because that really can't be healthy... Anyway, Austin will start like bopping his head as if he's trying to convince himself of the statement.

"I'm going to wake the boys, how about you and Mike go get some breakfast? I know you haven't had much time alone." I said sympathetically.

"That's a great idea Rora, we really need to communicate more." He said.

"Alright, now I'm going to go wake up the lads. Austin's already out on his run, yea?" I said trying to sound unsuspicious.

"Yeah, he's probably flirting with some girls on the beach so don't expect him back for awhile." He said already halfway towards the door. His phone was in his hand so I'm assuming he just texted him rather than trying to search the house for him.

"Okay, so I have some rules." I started as Mike came in the room "I want condoms used at all times and please don't do it in the car because we only have two here and odds are I am eventually going to have to sit there so just please don't."

"Um, whatever you say." They said awkwardly practically running out the door.

I made my way to Luke's room first and I peered in to see him awake and just on his computer. That poor boy is really addicted to the Internet.

"Luke, I have a problem I need your help with." I said seriously. Luke immediately looked up concerned because I was never serious unless I was comforting someone or I had a real problem.

"Sure. I'm assuming Ash and Will are still sleeping? I'll go get Mike and Liam, Austin's still on his run but I can call him if you want." He said already getting out his phone.

"No, this needs to be just you, Ash, Will and I."

"Does it have to do with them or are-" I cut him off.

"I'll explain when I have you guys in the same room, I don't want to have to explain it multiple times."

"I'll get some food going, bacon and eggs?"

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