Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Aurora's POV

"Oh, God they're having a foursome!" Mike said and buried his head in Liam's shoulder mock crying.

"How can anything about the position we're in be sexual?" Luke asked innocently and Ash smacked him upside the head. Poor thing was unaware that we were all in pretty compromising positions.

"Mate, Rora isn't even wearing a shirt." Ash said and all eyes turned to me, or more specifically my chest.

"Hey! And I thought you guys were gay..." I trailed off trying to cover my chest with my arms.

"They are but I'm not." Ash winked at me and I blushed and looked away... Wait, I blushed?! What the hell is wrong with me?

"Will someone tell me why you are covered in pink paint, glitter and feathers and it smells like garlic while you guys are shagging on the floor?" Liam asked trying to stay calm.

"Well the thing is Liam... I've wanted a child for a very long time and I didn't intend on getting married so I wanted one of them to be the father. I couldn't choose between them so we decided to have a foursome and whoever is the father won't know because during these things you don't really know what is going where if you know what I mean." I said completely seriously and I think Li was about to pop a vein in his forehead cause that thing was throbbing like nobody's business.

"Dear god..." Liam said. Then being the dramatic little twat he is, he goes and faints on my floor. Poor thing just couldn't handle it. It's like telling your older brother you're getting it on with three of his friends and you want to get pregnant.

Let me tell you it never ends well for anyone.

"Oh my god Lili!" Mike said rushing over to his side.

"He'll be fine, Ash get me a washcloth and soak it in some water, Luke try throwing a cuppa water on his face maybe he'll come to and Will pretty please start cleaning up our floor cause I love you." I said giving Will the puppy dog eyes and I could see his walls caving under my intense stare.


"I love you!" I said jumping on his back.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Ash asked as he came back from the bathroom with a washcloth in his hand.

"Because Will is taller than me and I feel short round you lot."

"You're like 5'6 aren't you?" Luke asked entering the conversation and throwing some water on Liam's face.

"5'7 thank you very much."

"That Irish accent is becoming real prominent. You best stay way from me lassie we don't need ya bloody Irishmen takin over." Ash said in a quite horrible Irish accent.

"Are you calling me a guy?" I sassed still sitting on Will's back.

"Pfft, no. Course not, um... I, you just... Youragirlandiloveyoupleasedontkillme." Ash rushed out the last part.

"Wait, so you want me to clean the floor with you on my back?" Will said unhappily.


"What about Liam?!" Mike said still concerned.

"Fine." I got off of Will's back and leaned down to whisper into Liam's ear.

"Mike's gonna give you a lap dace if you wake up."I whispered so that none of them could hear.

That boy shot up faster than a rocket yet redder than a fire truck, although I did notice he 'glanced' at Mike's crotch for a few seconds.

"You're awake!" Mike launched himself onto Liam and I don't think Li was getting enough oxygen.

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