-Chapter 5-

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Hey guuuuuys :)

Here's chapter 5! I hoooope y'all just LOOOOVE my story. Oooo, Adrian and Damon are getting intimate ;)

Daaaamn Elena, getting here noisy ass in it. I hate whenn she thinks she's always right.

Elena: He's too dangerous for my sister! Don't talk like I'm not here.

Me: Well, you're not here. ANNNNND Adrian is YOUR older sister! What if she said Stefan was to dangerous hmmmmm! & what if Adrian and Damon went farther and you walked in. What would you have said theeen! "Hey, get. um. your. um. pants. um. on. um. and. um. get. um. out." While trying not to look. I bet you're just jealous.

Elena: -Silent-    -_____-

Me: See I was right.

Damon: I like this girl -Smirks-

Me: Damon! Tell them to commment and fan me! They'll do it because YOUR here.

Damon: OKay? Comment and fan....

Me: Mari -smiles-

Damon: Yeah her.

Sorry, I'm really bored and I wanted to have a conversation with Elena, cause she can make me angry sometimes. >>>>>>> Picture of Adrian Gilbert :)

Oh & if it ever says that she has emerald green eyes just ignore it. This is pre-written and I origianally had Adrian have green eyes... I try to fix it before I post it though.


-Chapter 5-

-Morning; Adrian's P.O.V-

I woke up knowing what was gonna happen today, so I woke up extra early so I could go for a run. It always helped me clear my head. As I began to run, with my music in of course, I was listening to,'Decode' From, Paramore. (Great song by the way.) I then began to think about last night. With Damon and I. When he touched me, tingles were sent down my spine. He made me feel warm, safe, and calm. That's what I needed. I needed it so bad. No one knew it, but him. Lena knew but she had no idea the way he made me feel. But today I will make sure that she knows. When we talk about everything. That is when she gets home from school. So, maybe I can have some alone time at home with Damon. Stefan, Elena, Jer, and Jenna are all at school. Hmm. I ran back home in a hurry to get in the shower then get dressed. Before I hopped in the shower I texted Damon.

Come over in an hour (; -A

I was sleeping. D

Well to bad. Everyone's at school and I don't want to be alone. Come over. Now. -A

Fine. I'll be there sooner then an hour than. -D

Whatever. -A

I then hoped in the shower and got into something comfortable. I also just put my glasses on.

-Adrian's comfy clothes-


I laid down on my bed waiting for Damon. I heard the doorbell go off, so I hopped off my bed and ran down the stiars. As soon as I got to the door, it was already wide open. "Hello?" Normally I wouldn't be scared but the sudden temperture drop, gave me chills. It was probably just Damon.

-Big boom-

"SHIT!" I ran upstairs to my room. To have a smiling Damon on my bed. "Really, Damon?"

Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now