-Chapter 7-

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So, this is take two. And that really makes me mad. My damn computer shut down after my fabulous idea was unfolding. Y'all would of LOVED it. Buuuuut, nope. My compter shut down. So here we go D:

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let's do it, again---------------

Waking up to Damon made me happy. I wanted to stay like this forever but I had a day ahead of me and just wanted to get to the good part after all had been done. I gave Damon a little push to wake him. I was really fucking sore because of Katherine throwing me against the wall. What a bitch? Damon still wasn't waking up. I looked at the clock to see it was only 9 in the morning. Oh, damn. Haha. I relaxed a little and eased myself closer to Damon. He was so warm for a dead person. Ha. I'm never going to think of him as a dead person again. It hurts and scared me. Another thing is that it makes me sound like a freak. He was quietly snoring. It was the cutest thing in the world. Elena and Stefan suddenly burst through the door, " Wake up!" Stefan was suddenly thrown out the window. Elena just stood there shocked and I just started to laugh. Damon was standing there as if nothing happened. "Sorry, cranky when people wake me up." He said as he brushed his hand through his bed hair. God, he looked so fucking good. He was wearing black silk boxers. I might just take him now, in front of Elena. Then Stefan jumped back in the window and just ruined his sexy stance by spearing him. 

"STOP! This is my room, not your house." I yelled. I smiled when they eyed me.

"Look at me like that again and you'll get punched." I stood up. Grabbed my towel so I could take a shower, pecked Damon on the cheek and walked into the bathroom. Damon was going to protest by the little peck on the cheek but I was too fast for him... MUHAHAHA. Suddenly the crack of the door darkened. Damon's silly. 

"You're never going to get in Damon."

"Oh really, now? Hmm."

"Yep, because I've got magical powers."

"So you're a witch."

"Yep." I popped the P for dramatic affect.

"Adrian, would you hurry." As he said this there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around expecting Damon, but there was nobody. Damon was still at the door, I could still see his shadow. What the fuck? Should I open the door? 

Damon's P.O.V

I was waiting outside the door for Adrian to reply again, but I didn't hear it. I heard some shuffling and low breathing as if she was scared. But, I didn't pay any attention. I mean, no one's been invited. Wait, Stefan was supposed to be watching Katherine. I ran downstairs real quick to see a bleeding Stefan with tape on his mouth. I ripped it off real quick. "What the hell happened?" 

"Not Elena, it was Katherine the whole time."

"How'd she get in?"

"So called Elena came back last night to stay over. We came back this morning said she forgot her key. Knocked. Jenna came and said, 'Get inside'."

"Shit she got you good. Where's Elena?"

"School probably. What about Adrian?" As soon as her name came out of Stefan's mouth there was a scream that came from the one and only Adrian. I sped up stairs to find the door still closed, I yanked it open and saw the window was open. "Dammit!"

I went back downstairs to see Stefan on the phone. "Who are you talking to?"


"Is she okay? And where is she?"

He got off the phone then answered me. "She's fine. She left early this morning. She's with Bonnie."

"Well, we'll need Bonnie to find Adrian."

(15 minutes later)

Stefan and I arrived at the school and began to walk towards Ric's office. Elena, Bonnie, and Ric were waiting for us. Bonnie was doing a tracking spell which included Elena because it had to be relative blood. As Stefan and I walked in, Bonnie began her witchy juju. I watched as Elena's blood went across the map, towards the outside of Mystic Falls. "what's near there?"

Elena spoke," The Bed and Breakfast that Ms. Flowers owns. Should be go check it out?"

"Yes, and I bet Katherine isn't even there. Elena, you could pretend to be Katherine. I like this plan. Let's do it. NOW!" I said as I was walking out the classroom.

"You can't just bet she's not there. One of us should go ask for her, then if she's not there. Then we should let Elena go." Bonnie pressed on.

"You guys can't just sacrifice Elena like that." Stefan put in his two sense.

"She shouldn't even be in this mess. It's our fault and it's time we save her. Okay? She's not going to die because of us."

(An hour later)

We had Elena all ready and dressed for the plan. Stefan had already gone in and asked if she was there. They had told him no, so we had Elena all ready to go.

Elena's P.O.V

God, this was scary but I had to get my sister. Stefan, Damon, Ric, Bonnie, and Caroline were all patroling so it was safe. I went up to the desk. "Hello, I lost my key as I was out. I would gladly pay for a new one." I smiled as the boy asked me my name. "Katherine Pierce."

"Here you go. Have a good day." I gave him a five dollar bill as I walked up stairs to the room number on the key. I walked in to see Adrian tied up. I ran up to her and ripped the tape off her mouth. "You fucking bitch let me go before I get out myself and kick your mother fucking ass. You pissed off the wrong Gilbert." Dang she was ANGRY! "Adrian it's Elena. Shh, I'm here to save you." She laughed. "Elena, you're so stupid. You sound like a superhero." I got her untied as, her and I booked it out the door. We ran downstairs to see a disappointed Katherine.

Adrian's P.O.V

I was excited to find out it was Elena and not Katherine. I would of murdered someone. Well, not really a someone. She's a self-centered bitch. When Elena and I reached the lobby, Katherine was there, tapping her foot with her arms crossed. As she was about to attack, Bonnie came in throwing some kind of language as she squinted her eyes. It got all windy around me as Katherine went down in pain. Waaaaaaaait, Bonnie's a witch. SWEEEET!

Stefan and Damon came in with Caroline and Alaric... Elena's teacher. Weird! Stefan and Alaric took Katherine's still alive body upstairs to her room. Bonnie went upstairs with them. "Okay, now I'm confused." I said looking at Caroline. Damon then stepped in.." Okay, let me explain very quickly. Caroline was turned by little miss Katherine.. Bonnie's a witch, she's currently putting a spell on the room Katherine's in so she can't get out. And Ric is a Teacher/Vampire hunter.. The bad vampires."

"See this was my day to learn everything. Now who's this Katherine chick all I know is that she looks like my sister."

They told me the whole story about katherine (Ya'll already know the story, it's the same).

I was shocked. I couldn't talk. She was more then a bitch then I thought. She was the reason for Damon being all evil like sometimes. She's the reason for Stefan and Damon not getitng along. Damon was driving while I ranted and raved about how she was a bitch and I was sorry he had to go through that and how I'd ALWAYS be there. After I was done he laughed. "Adrian you're such a silly girl." We arrived at my house. He looked at me. "I'm sorry that YOU had o go through this today. You shouldn't have to. As much as I want to just leave so you're safe but I can't. Becuase I want to be selfish with you. I want to learn how to love again. So, I'm here asking. Do you want to be apart of my crazy life, or do you just want out? I want you to be happy."



BAM! Hope you liked it :) It's not as good as my first try but it's close. Comment? Vote? DO IT :D

Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now