-Chapter 9-

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Guy's I have no idea if this is a Damon love story anymore... Let's just see how it ends... D:

Dun Dun DUN.

Damon: Dude, what are you talking about? You're title says Damon Love Story.

Me: Dude, I can change it. -Smiles evily-

Damon: Buuut I love Adrian.

Me: Doesn't seeeeem like it.

Damon: That's yo.... -Click-

Me: -Holding a remote that magically made Damon disappear. Smiles evily. Notices people. And hides remote behind back.- Opps :)

LET'S DO THIS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-Chapter 9-

"LET'S GET DRUNK!" I have no idea why it just came out. But that's all I felt like doing. Damon was a dick and deserved to be punched in the dick.

Tyler just looked at me and did that cool eyebrow thing, when it's raised and its like a questioning look then said," Adrian, are you okay?"

"Dude, I just got my heart ripped in to two. I'm great. Now, I'm going to get me a bottle.

Matt took a seat on Tyler's bed as Tyler and I got the shot glasses, and bottles of vodka. Yes bottles. There was more then one. Becuase not only one bottle was going to get me drunk if I was sharing with these two. Matt looked at us as if this was normal,"Adrian and Tyler, like old times."

I looked at him funny." Like old times? You mean when I was the driver and the nerd who never partied, but the one time Elena and I got lost and it cause a terrible accident."

He sighed,"Sorry."

"Matt, I'm just kidding. But it's true. I never partyed with you guys. I guess you'll see how I am tonight."

Tyler and Matt both exchanged looks and smiled," Damn dirty girl!" 

"HEY! I didn't mean it like that. GOD!" We all bust out laughing.

Then Tyler started to dig through his pocket's and pulled out a little plastic baggy. Something that looked like my medicine," Guy's I have another prize." Tyler said taking me out of my thoughts.

"Duuuuude, you got some bud!" I yelled and ran to him and grabbed the bag.

"ADRIAN, give me it back!" Tyler yelled.

"No, I want to roll a blunt." I said walking away.

"How? We don't have blunt paper." Matt said suddenly.

"Dude, I'm 19 I'll go buy a swisher."

"Ohh." They said in unison.

"SO, I'll be right back."

I flew out the room and down the stairs, then out the front door. I quickly got in my car and drove to the gas station. While there, Damon's car pulled up next to a gas lane. "SHIT!" 

"Um, can I get the mango swisher?"

"I.D?" I quickly showed them my I.D then I flew out the store. But was still caught.

"Adrian?" He sounded stressed. I mean all this happen just an hour ago. I was NOT forgiving him.

"Damon. No. Not right now." I walked faster to my car but he was there first.

"Just listen to me would you?"

"No." I said so serious he kinda was taken back.

I pushed him out my way and got in my car, and raced to Tyler's house.

Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now