Chapter 24: Summer and Tejan's Wedding day.

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Author's Note: Everyone, hello there happy new year all of you my readers and followers and also everyone in general this chapter is the Wedding of Tejan's and Summer so to all who was anxiously waiting for this chapter and the ending of the story which is the epilogue. Here is the chapter the epilogue will follow soon after this chapter I hope you'll enjoy reading it and please let me know what you think about it. simple-beauty.

As   the white limousine  drive in with Summer and her six bridesmaids along with  myself who was her matron of honor, just then the black limousine drive in with the page boys too.

The best man and the bridegroom were already at the huge hall that held, Summer and Tejan's wedding because the church hall could not accommodate all the guests  it was over two hundred seventy guests plus the magazine journalists, and the New York times, reporters and journalists Ian and I had invited Summer wanted her wedding in the New York times which Ian could get it in there for her and Tejan.

After, each page boy marches down the isle with each bridesmaid, and myself with the flower girl in front  we took our seats as rehearsed.

Soon, here comes the bride start to play on the piano, and Summer and her father slowly walk down the isle, my best friend has the biggest smile on her face while she's walking down the isle with her dad, I am so happy for her thank God that Tejan, was serious and actually a great guy not just a pretty face.

Everyone stood while Summer and her dad walked down the isle as her father handed her over to her husband to be Tejan, they shook hands and her dad left and went back to his seat.

"Could you remain standing please, and let's  bow our heads in prayers for Summer, and Tejan who today are joining  hearts to become one before you Lord, give them your blessings always strengthen their love  for each other and may their labor be fruitful, amen."

So we all remain standing after the minister, was finish praying.

"You can be seated now."  The minister  announced in the huge hall.

Before, he starts the ceremony he asked a question.

"Who give this young lady to this young man?."

"We  do."   Summer's mom and dad answer with their hands held up.

"OK."  The minister  said as  he smiles looking down in his bible. 


"We are gathered here today for this young woman and this young man to be wed in Holy matrimony in the sight of God, if there is anyone present here today who think, that this young woman and this young man shall not be wed, let them now speak or forever hold your peace.

There was no objection, though, everyone was here today, even Warren Jones and Sarah that lady the lobby desk lady in Ireland.

"Summer Helena, Phillips, do you take  Tejan Damion Crawford, to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish from this day forward and forsaken all others for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health till death do you part?."  

"I  do." Summer reply.

"Tejan Damion Crawford, do you take, Summer Helena, Phillips, to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish from this day forward and forsaken all others for better or for worse for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health till death do you part?."

"I  do."  Tejan reply, smiling sweetly at Summer, with her hands in his palms.

"At this time I  ask you, to place the wedding rings  in my hand." Ian took out a small velvet box with both rings and place it in the minister's hand. "May the Lord bless these rings which you, give as a token of your love and devotion, Amen."

The minister blesses the rings before.

"Summer as you place, Tejan's ring on his finger, I ask that you repeat  these words after me, with this ring I thee wed  Tejan Damion Crawford."

Summer, repeat  after the minister.

"Tejan as you place, Summer's ring on her finger, I ask that you repeat these words after me, with this ring I thee wed  Summer, Helena, Phillips."

Tejan repeat after the minister

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife and you may kiss your bride."

The minister announced.

Tejan give Summer a very passionate, kiss I could see it was very powerful and romantic too.

I took two photos of my best friend kissing her now husband Tejan.

"What, therefore, God hath join together, let no man put asunder."

The minister  announced.

"May you always, share with each other the gifts of love and sincerity and always be one in heart as you have now joined in hearts as one and as long as you both shall live may the lord's blessings be upon you." Amen."

He prays his final prayer for Summer and Tejan and they thank him. 

They walk out together outside in the huge courtyard of the Hall  they, went on and took their photos together, then they came and took photos with both bridesmaid and myself who was  matron of honor and the bride's mother too Mrs Phillips.

Then all of us came together and took a huge family portrait, including everyone.

The groom went and take photos with his, pageboys, best man and father too Senator Anthony Crawford and also the bride's dad, Mr Phillips, after the journalist got the information from Tejan and Summer and also their photos to place in the New York times, they left.  Tejan and Summer went home in  the Hummer that was waiting for them and was soon home to change their clothing to go to their reception/After party......




I hope you will enjoy this chapter. simple-beauty. Finish fourth of January 2016.


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