Chapter 7

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As we walked up to the all to familiar house Shane called home I felt bad.  Well scared really.  I was going to be living in the house of the man who would much rather me in his bed  then across the hall.  I held trash bad of all my clothes and sighed walking to his door.  Knocking gently before turning to look at Josh.

"You don't like your coach?"  I laughed a little at him and shrugged.

"I just don't like a few things that has happened between us- well our families."  I lied smoothly and heard the lock to the door.  I braced myself to see Shane.

"Hey Erin.  You got all your stuff?"  I  nodded and Josh and I walked in.  "Your room is right down this hall," I followed him till he stopped at a bedroom. I looked inside almost crying when I saw the adjoining bathroom that I'm guessing led to his room.  "You can unpack later we have a practice to go to."  I looked at him a little shocked.  Not even one second to take in my new room?  Fine jerk.  I didn't want to anyways.

"Josh is it okay if we just go with Coach.  I don't have enough gas to go back there."  Josh nodded and we sat in the car.  Josh and I in the back while Shane sat up front.  I looked down at my outfit.  I was able to change into shorts and a tee shirt but it's not like them walking out of the room helped with anything I caught Shane staring at me from his room.  Ugh why did I have to move here.  I so didn't want to go to an orphanage.

But the ride to practice was so awkward.  Shane wouldn't look at Josh what so ever and Josh kept trying to start a conversation.  Finally when we showed up to the practice fields I nearly jumped out of the car.  "Hey Erin will you walk me to my car?"  I smiled and nodded walking beside him. 

"Thank you for helping me today, I know it was kind of weird but I needed the help.  Thank you for being there for me."  He smiled and we slowed to his car.

"Erin are you busy Friday?"  He asked and I nearly let the baseball bag fall to the ground.

"Um I'm not sure yet, I'll see you tomorrow."  I turned to walk away but he pulled my arm stopping me and turned me to him.  He leaned in and I was about to kiss him back but turned and ran off.  "Bye Josh!"  I yelled and ran to the field.  He couldn't like me.  No he was the most popular guy of the school and I was the loser.  Well okay I wasn't the loser but I wasn't most girls.  I didn't show off my figure, I hung around guys, I never even had a boyfriend.


After practice (Shane's house)

"So would you like anything to eat?"  He asked and I shook my head walking back to the bedroom I now had to call my own.  I started to unpack the box Josh had been carrying and stopped when I came to the picture of my mother and father.  They were young and I hadn't been born yet hince the bulge in my mom's stomach.

I set the photo on the bedside table and laid down.  That's when I heard the floor board creak.  I looked up and saw Shane.  He was smiled and held a wine bottle in his hands.  " Shane get out!"  I yelled and tried to push him but he wouldn't budge.  He shoved me back on the bed and straddled me.  I tried to scream but he covered my mouth. 

'You are so beautiful, I can't believe it."  That's when I realized he wasn't going to stop this time.  I pushed him and tried to roll him off but he just wouldn't move.

"Shane, please get off of me."  I begged but no that wasn't going to happen I could see in his eyes.  This was just the first of many times he would do this if I wasn't going to leave.  But the thing is I knew his schedule now.  I would make sure never to come home when he was.  I wasn't going to let him tear me down anymore.  I only had to stay with him till the state tournament then I could tell what he did to me and he would be sent away.  Just 12 days and counting.


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