Chapter 21

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Staring at the screen after his picture disappeared I tried to even my breathing.  Josh and his family didn't have a TV so they wouldn't find out.  I want to keep it that way.  I don't want to ruin Isabella's excitement for the wedding.  And if I told Josh he would freak out and try to be with me at all times.  Which would lead to Shane killing him.  I went to the sink dashing some water on my face to try and wash the scared expression from my eyes.

When I thought I looked okay I walked back out to the table and smiled at everyone.  "Hey I hope you don't mind that we already ordered?"  Josh asked and I shook my head taking a sip of my water.  I was on edge right now.  I was nervous and worried that he would come up behind me.

"So I think tomorrow we should go look at tuxido's.  What do you think Josh?"  Isabella asked and I saw him look at me.

"You can go ahead.  I was thinking of resting tomorrow anyways.  I don't feel to well."  He looked a little worried but nodded to his mom.

"Are you okay Erin?  We can go home if you like."  I smiled at Henry trying not to seem a burden.

"No I just need a little fresh air.  I'll be right back."  I stood up grabbing my phone from the table just in case.  As I walked past the big glass doors the hot summer air hit my cool sick.  I leaned against the wall breathing in and out. 

"Wow.  You look so beautiful right now."  I froze not wanting to lift my head up.  Finally I let my eyes wander up to the man's face and took in a deep breath.

"Josh what are you doing out here?"  I asked not wanting to seem like I was scared.

"I came to check on you.  Is everything alright Erin?"  I nodded and smiled.

"I just feel a little light headed that's all.  I'm sorry I worried you.  I think I might just walk home.  It's not to far away.  And I could use the air to warm me up."  He looked at me.

"I'll go get your purse," I smiled and looked down the long dark road.  We were in the nice side of town.  This side of town consisted of a pin code access.  There were a lot of wealthy people here and they knew people would want their money.

As I sat down on a grey bench I felt my phone vibrate.  I opened it slowly and saw the number I was dreading.

I see you.

That's all it read and that's all it took for me to run off in a sprint.  I was faster than most guys my age and most track stars today.  I was something different to everyone.  So as I took off running as fast as I could in a summer dress and flip flops I was getting looks from everyone.  I ran down the dark country road and finally made it up the walk way to the house I realized my key was in my purse.  I started to panic and that's when I felt the phone vibrate again.

Don't look behind you.

I was about to take of running when a cloth was put over my mouth.  I tried to get away but vision quickly became blurry and I felt my body going limb.  And then the darkness over powered me.

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