Chapter 14

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That night

"Josh I wish you could be here!  This place is beautiful.  The mountains are gorgeous and the hotel rooms are amazing."  I said as I looked out the window.

"If I could I would be there in a heart beat baby doll.  So what are your plans for tonight?"  Josh asked and honestly I had no clue.

"I might go to the workout room or take a dip in the pool.  But I might just stay here tonight.  The guys are having a party so tomorrow I might be the only one really playing my heart out."  I laid on the bed sighing.

"Well I hope you have fun tonight.  When you get back I have a surprise for you.  But hey they guys wanted me to go out with them tonight so I'll text you when I get back.  I love you, Erin."  I smiled.  Good he was having fun without me.

"I love you to Josh.  Have fun."  I hung up, looking around the room.  Actually a shower sounded great right now.  I stood up taking off the shorts and tank top I was now wearing.  I stood in front of the full length mirror and sighed.  The only person to ever see me like this was the one person I hated more than anything.

That's what I would give Josh when I got back.  I would give him the one thing that was still true to myself.  The one thing I wanted to give to someone I loved and wanted to spend forever with.

I turned on the hot water grabbing my phone and taking one quick picture of myself, hesitating my finger above the send button.  I couldn't do it.  I deleted the picture and jumped in the water.  Josh could wait a week before he saw me like this.  Before he saw me completely exposed.

Two hours later

I woke from my nap to the sound of pounding on my door.  I grabbed my robe wrapping it around me opening it slightly to see a frantic Austin.  "Hey what's wrong?"  He shoved his phone in my face and I felt my heart break.  There Josh was with his hands all over some girl and her hands were over him.  I would of thought they were just dancing if it weren't for his lips on hers and to me he was the one doing the kissing.  I let a tear slide down my cheek and pushed Austin's arm out of the door slamming it behind me.

My numb body fell on the bed and I cried.  How could he do this to me?  He said he loved me.  I knew I shouldn't of let him in.  I knew all he was going to do would be hurt me.  I can't believe I was so stupid to listen to my heart.  And to think I almost gave him the one thing I would never give Shane the satisfaction of knowing he actually took it.

That night I cried for hours.

I know, I know.  You all hate me.  Just please keep reading:)  I Love You Long Time!

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