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Sex is not a dirty sin. It's a powerful experience, bringing two souls together in vibrational harmony with one another and the universe.

Joyce P.O.V

"Fuck Jayceon." I Moans As He Was Working That Tongue. We Was Currently In The Middle Of Giving Each Other Oral Sex But Now It Was His Turn And He Was Eating Me Like I Was His Last Meal.

"I'm Ab-bb-oo-uu-tt Cc-uu-mm!" I Screamed Letting All My Juices Flow Out. He Lick Up All My Juices And Got Up And Went In The Bathroom. I Got Up And Follow.

"Come On Get Clean Up So We Can Head Back Before They Realize We Gone." He Said Slapping My Butt. I Nodded My Head And Push Him Out The Bathroom. No He Haven't Saw Me Fully Naked Yet And I Would Hate For Him To See Me Like That. Probably Run Away From Me. I Turn The Shower On And Hopped In. I Wash Up And Got Out. I Dried Off And Went Back In My Room. I Put On My Panties And Bra And Threw On A Plain Dress And Some Flip Flops. I Left My Hair In It Curly State. I Walked Downstairs In Search For Jayceon.

I Walked In The Living Room And Saw Him In A Dazed. He Been Spacing Out Like This Since He Told Me About His Brother.

"Jayceon Come On." I Said Tapping Him. He Lift Up And Looked At Me And Got Up. We Walked To The Door And Out It. I Lock Up The House. We Walked To The Car And Got In. He Pulled Off And Headed Back To The School.

"Look Joyce I'm Sorry If I Been Distant Lately, It Just My Brother Birthday In A Week And He Been On My Mind Since I Told You About Him."

"I Understand Jayceon If You Want Be Alone I Want Be A Burden On You."

He Stop And Looked At Me.

"No Joyce You're Not A Burden On Me Dammit Can You Just Get Over These Insecurity Ass Ways, It's Get Old And I'm Frankly Tried Of It, I Want You With Me On That Day, I Want Be Able To Tell You All The Good Times We Had I Want Be Able To Cry On Your Shoulder If I Have To. Just Be There For Me." He Said Starting The Car Back Up. We Pulled Up At The School And We Got Out And Headed Back To Class. I Didn't Know What To Say To Jayceon After That. We Been Together For A Month And Already Having Problems In Our Relationship. When We Got To Class We Went In And Sat Down I Put My Head On The The Desk And Just Thought. How In Hell I'm Going Get Rid Of My Insecurities So Quick. That's Something That Take A While To Do.

"Stop Thinking Of What Other People Think Of You, You're Beautiful And Have A Beautiful Mind. God Made You Like This For A Reason, Stop Trying To Change Yourself To Fix In, Love Yourself."

That What My Grandmother Would Tell Me Every Time I Try To Change Something About Myself. But For Some Reason I Never Listen, But Now I Guess Its Time For Me To Listen To What She Said Because I Have  People That Appreciate Me For Me. I Didn't Realize The Bell Rung Until Jayceon Came Over To Me.

"Joyce Come On Its Time To Go." He Said Tapping Me. I Got Up And Follow Him To His Car. We Got In And Headed Back To My House. The Car Ride Was Silent And It Hurt Me A Lil Because He Probably Hates Me. He Pulled Up At My House.

"Look Joyce I'll See You Tomorrow In School, I Think We Need Some Space I Don't Want Be Too Much On You, I Get That You Have Insecure And I Try Make You Get Over Them To Quick. I Love You Yes I Do I Know Its Early In Our Relationship For Me To Be Saying That But Shit Its Something I Can't Help Because You Got A Nigga Hook Already. " I Didn't Say Anything I Just Got Out The Car And Ran In The House. I Don't What Going On But I Felt My Chest Cave In. I Went To My Room And Laid Down And Cry.

"What The Fuck Have I Done!" I Yelled Throwing The Lamp From My Night Stand Against The Wall. Ugh I Feel Like My Life Is Becoming Horrible. I Start Going Crazy I Don't Know What's Going On But I Just Start Throwing And Fighting.

"Joyce Yo Chill The Fuck Out, What Wrong With You?" Antoine Said Coming In My Room. He Hugged Me And I Just Cry In His Chest.

"Calm Down And Tell Me What's Wrong?" He Said Sitting Down On My Bed. I Calm Down And Lift Up.

"My Insecure Antoine, I'm Always Thinking Of What People Think About Me I'm Always Saying Something Stupid. Ugh I Hate Myself."

"Look At Me, Joyce Don't Say That You're A Beautiful Girl Don't Let People Get To You If You Wasn't Pretty Jayceon Wouldn't Want Talk To You, I Know Because That Boy Done Turn Down Some Girls That Trying To Him. You Got Love Yourself Joyce, Stop Thinking About Everybody Else And Think About You. It's Always Going Be You Nobody Else."

"But I Can't People Words Always Get To Me."

"Don't Think Negative Think Positive I Don't Need You Trying To Kill Yourself Over Other People I Love You."

"I Love You Too."

"Come On Let Get You In Another Room So They Can Clean This One." I Got Up And Follow Him To A Guest Room. When I Got In There I Laid Down And Thought About What Antoine Said To.

It Time For Me To Change For Me Not Anybody Else, I'm 17 Going On 18 And I'm About To Be Out In This Big World And I Can't Go Out There With These Stupid Insecurities, Joyce Janae Taylor Is About To Become A Whole New Person, Watch Out Work Their A New Bitch In Town.

I Know Its Just Joyce P.O.V
Joyce In Mm
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