Never Been Hurt (Lirry, Zarry, One Direction)

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I couldn't see where i was going, but i kept on going. I didn't know where I'd end up. I pushed myself to keep running through the busy streets of London. It was half past midnight and the streets were fairly empty except for a few drunken people staggering around. I didn't stop for any of them. I couldn't. Their faces were nothing but blurs as i darted past them. Some gave me weird looks as i ran away from...well, everything. This night couldn't possibly get worse. I couldn't get Louis' reaction out of his mind. I just couldn't stop running, not yet anyway. I had to get away, away from Louis and school and my life. Louis.

Oh God, Louis. What was going through his mind right now? It was a lot to take in; to realize that your best friend I ran faster, as if running was going to solve all my problems. Maybe it would. Louis snapped at me, calling me a horrible person for ever telling him. He snapped at me, his Haz, his best friend. I loved him! That was before his new girlfriend came along. She was beautiful, even I knew that. Louis was crazy over her, and she was in love with him. It was honestly adorable, the way they'd look at each other and talk like best friends. I knew we were meant for each other, but Louis needed to know everything; about me being gay, about me loving him for years until she came along. It was an innocent thing to tell him. Sure, he'd be upset for not knowing, but I didn't know he'd react like that, so negatively. He's angry with me. No, furious. For being gay? For once loving my best friend? I don't know. I wish i knew the answer. I really did. I don't remember much of what he said after, i just ran. That was over an hour ago.

I started running slowly. My legs burned too much to keep going. My mind buzzed with Louis' words still in my head. Was it really that awful to admit loving a friend, more than just a friend. He didn't feel the same, so it shouldn't have mattered. His girlfriend had entered our lives two years ago. Two years is long enough for me to stop liking him the way that I used to Obviously he didn't think so. Either way, i was in a whole different neighborhood. The streets were barely lit by the lights giving it an almost orange glow. I gradually slowed into a walk, breathing in deeply to regain composure. I really ran this time. Usually I'd stop at a quarter mile and get some ice cream, but this time was different. I didn't recognize where I was. All the shops were closed and the weren't any cars in the streets. I was alone. I tugged at my black hoodie to try to look decent enough.

I wiped a tear from my tired eye. Had I really been crying this entire time? i was so focused on just running that I shut off everything else. The cold wind struck my face, drying some tears that had fallen. I'm still crying but i smiled to myself. Louis had made me cry, and run. He so owed him. My breath was shaking into a normal pace as i came across a corner. I looked at my feet as i saw two figures approaching my direction. They were about the same height, only one was more built than the other. My heart raced a little as we kept walking towards each other. I felt my face heat up from the long run i was recovering from. I turned to the ground, hoping they'd ignore me like the rest of the world.

"Hey, kid," a hand stopped me from walking. I flinched from the sudden action and stared dumbfoundedly at the man that stopped me. He was a bit shorter than me, but he was obviously used to control. I studied his face quickly. He was gorgeous. His heavy eyebrows brought out his chocolate brown eyes. His skin was a lot more tanned than my pale skin. He also had a birthmark on his neck, which I more or less gawked at for a few seconds. I looked back up. His plump pink lips were tightened in a straight line, obviously waiting for some sort of response. My eyes widened with realization that i had openly checked him out. My face flushed, i knew that i must've looked like an idiot.

"Um, hi," i said. Stupid me. He's gorgeous. I don't think its earthly possible to be as handsome as he was. I was falling for him without even knowing his name. I let my eyes linger to his amazingly toned body. His biceps showed through his his sweater. His tight jeans revealed extremely nice leg muscles. I smiled stupidly. He was perfect. His friend kept his head down, though, staring off in the distance. I stole a quick glance at him. His eyelashes were silhouetted in the dark. He had a beanie on, but only let me see his profile, and in this lighting, it didn't matter. He looked mysterious, but intriguing.

"You alright? Looks like you've been crying." The man said softly. He didn't look much older than I was. He wiped a tear from my eye with his thumb. I hadn't even realized that i was crying again. I nodded slowly as his thumb brushed away another tear. Way to go, Harry, you meet the hottest guy ever and cry in front of him?! I'm pathetic. The man cupped my face gently and made me look at him, not that i put up a fight. "Can i at least know your name?" The man offered with the cutest smirk ever. Damn. I felt butterflies as he stroked me cheek with the same thumb that wiped my tears. He was gentle. I needed that.


"Harry? I like that." He smiled big while letting his hand fall from my face. I miss our contact already. "You're too young to be out here by yourself. How about me and my buddy here take you to our flat for the night?" He motioned to his friend, who still hadnt looked in my direction. I felt uneasy about him. I turned back to the beauty in front of me and bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling.

"Thanks, but i can't," i said. I didn't even know these guys. Sure, they were like Greek gods with their charms, but I wasn't in need of charity. Going to their apartment after what happened today wasn't something I was able to put up with. I was running away, to think, to let Louis think, then be back to normal. Anyway, Louis was probably circling all of England by now trying to find me. I smiled at that thought, too. He was probably frantic right now.

"C'mon" the guy smiled big again. I would have been an idiot for not wanting to go, but something about him set me off. I felt butterflies again. I shook my head again and looked into those perfect eyes again. I waited for his reply, but instead everything turned quiet and tense. His smiled faltered a bit and his eyes grew dark. I took a step back. It wasnt normal, to just change moods like he did. His eyes were dark brown and menacing. He no longer looked at me, but passed me. I tried to look away, but his eyes were locked with mine and they were furious. "I think you should come with us." He said sternly.

"I'm sorry, but i can't." I said. I was taken back. He had seemed so nice not too long ago. Why did he want me to with him so badly? His eyes finally looked at me again and burned a hole in my head. I felt my breath quicken. Only one thing was crossing my mind, but before i could attempt to do anything, he reached out and grasped my wrist, digging his nails into my skin. I winced in pain and tried to yell, but i couldn't. My mouth was open and I felt myself ready for a fight. I looked into the man's eyes, trying to find compassion, but his eyes were set cold. "Please, let go." I said, my voice smaller than i wanted to be. The man smiled at me and for a moment, i thought I saw the devil himself. Fear ran over my body as he slammed me to the wall, pinning both my hands above my head. My head hit the wall first, causing my vision to tunnel. I felt the tears sting in my eyes all over again. I struggled to free my hands, but his grip tightened and his nails dug into my skin.

"You're coming with us." His voice was calm but assertive. His eyes were pitch black. His legs were on either side of me, prohibiting me from moving at all. I nodded, too shocked to do anything else. The man smiled, obviously enjoying my fear. "Z, get the car." He turned to his friend, who was also staring at me. His friend nodded and let out a small but audible sigh.

"Sure thing, Liam." He said quietly, glancing at me as he jogged away.

Liam turned to me, evil in his eyes. He looked at my face up and down before licking his lips. "Jesus Christ, you're hot." He smiled the same smile he had earlier, but this time, i didn't like it.

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