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I stared at the massive pile of folders scattered in front of me. It was early Friday morning, and I knew this case needed a lot of man hours, my hours. Wherever that Styles boy disappeared off to, he needed to be found quickly. That was easier said than done. London's quite...big.  

He left running, or so Louis Tomlinson said. Why would he run? He could've walked. Okay, I'm losing my train of thought. Okay, he ran. It could've been any direction. He could be in Ireland or the States by now. Wait, no money was taken out of his banking account and he apparently left empty-handed. Great, back to nothing. 

Something in my instincts told me to look over Fred Mathews' old files. To say Fred Mathews was an evil man is an understatement. He was the worst of the worst. Human trafficking. Disgusting. Degrading to women everywhere in England. No police force has gotten within ten feet of arresting him. He vanished, but still ran business. 

The Daniel Collins files also jumped out at me. Fred had gotten a hit on Daniel a year ago, but Collins disappeared and continued his smuggling business from the unknowns. Fred Mathews had also had a hit on Liam Payne, the notorious murderer. Everyone believes Liam is dead.  

Not me.  

Liam was that one criminal that got away. 

Liam was the one that killed everyone I loved. 

If Liam was going to die, it would be because of me. If he's dead, then I'll find his grave to happily piss on it.  

It was this Harry kid that puzzled me, too. He left without any warning late at night. Something about his roommate also set me off. Its not that I didn't trust him, but I felt as if he didn't tell me the full truth. He also seemed familiar though i couldn't place my finger on it.

I leaned back and stretched every aching muscle in my body. It was too early for this.  

Daniel Collins is gone.  

Liam Payne is probably dead. 

And Fred Mathews is nowhere. 



I reached for the Liam Payne file and scanned over it quickly. Blah blah blah, four dead. Blah blah, photo of him from a London home invasion. Blah blah, bingo! His hideout, far east of London, in the next town over. 

According to Louis, when Harry usually he runs away, he runs toward the ice cream shop. To the east

Is it possible? Maybe. Crazy? Definitely.  

It was a one out of a hundred shot that I'd be right, and i needed to make sure.  

I grabbed my cardigan and rushed out of the station.



I sat down at the table uncomfortably. It had been weeks since I had been outside. I was dying, slowly but surely. Strange men for a couple grand. Involuntary sex was my life now. What did I do to deserve this? I had always imaged what I'd do if it did happen, but now that it did...I'm clueless. Liam is much stronger than me. The men are stronger than me. But Zayn..he's different. Zayn made me feel safe and happy, despite this shithole.  

"How are you feeling?" A soft voice asked. I smiled up at Zayn, who handed me a glass of apple juice. "No customers today." He said flatly. I nodded. Thank. God.

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