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I crept out of Harry's room quietly as i realized the time. We had fallen asleep together after our talk. To say the least, i was happy. Not only did Harry love me, but he also forgave me for dragging him into this lifestyle.  

"Guess who's dead?" Liam chirped. I steadily made my way to where Liam wad sitting.  

"Guess who used to be Harry's roommate?" I snapped. 

"My story first," Liam whined. 

"Louis fucking Tomlinson." Liam's face instantly dropped. 

"What?!" Liam's face lit up with rage. "I thought he...its been four years. I thought he was gone!" 

"Apparently not. Harry used to live with him." I sat down at the table, too shocked to do anything else. Louis Tomlinson was supposed to be away from London.  

"This can't be happening!" Liam stood from the couch and stared at me with alert eyes. 

"Well what the hell do you suggest we do?" I yelled back. If Fred found out we were both in major trouble, dead even. 

"Find him, and just try to remove all suspicion." Liam began pacing back and forth, running a hand through his hair. 

"I think its gonna be pretty fucking suspicious if we just show up out of the blue like nothing ever happened," I said.  

"Nothing happened." 

"A lot happened, Liam. He got out though. Man, Fred is going to kill us!" I rubbed my eyes with the heel of my hand. This shouldn't be happening. 

"Fred won't find out!" 

"Yes he will! He has Harry's old address and you know he has men snooping around." I felt like an idiot. It was up to us to check out victims' old home to see what kind of people they were surrounded by. Why hadn't we seen this before!? 

"Fuck!" Liam yelled. "Go to Louis, and just try, alright?" 

"You think I'm stupid? I'm not leaving you alone with Harry!" Liam threw his hands up in defeat. 

"Fine! I'll go just, don't open the door to anybody, okay?" He hurriedly marched out the door, leaving me alone.


I walked angrily down the unfamiliar streets. I had called Zayn earlier to confirm Harry's old address. It seemed impossible to think that Louis was still alive. It couldn't be, but it was. Louis Tomlinson, the only one who managed to escape from our lives, was back. Fred had wanted Louis gone, and for the past three years he believed he was. Zayn and I both knew that it'd all come back to resurface, but we never expected it to be so soon. I mentally facepalmed myself for being an idiot.  

I counted the rows of houses before reaching lucky number thirteen. The house was small, one story, and painted a tinted white. I strolled up the steps and knocked with authority. I heard some movement inside before the door opened a bit. To say Louis was shocked to see me was a drastic understatement. He looked petrified, as if he's seen a ghost. 

"Hi," i said simply, smirking at his fear. Louis tried to close the door but i placed my foot before he could. "We need to talk." 

"No," Louis said. He left the door smashing my foot against the doorway. 

"Louis, you and i both know that I don't like playing games. Either we talk or there's gonna be another bullethole in your leg." Louis gasped faintly before hesitantly opened the door for me. 

"The police is going to be here any minute. Better make this quick." 

"Why would the police be coming?" I snapped, walking into his little home. 

"You don't need to know," he barked back. He closed the door behind him and stood a few meters away from me, probably out of fright. 

"Kind of do, Louis." I said sarcastically. I looked around his small home and noticed how untidy it was. There was dirty cups and plates on the floor and the couches looked worn down. The smell of rot and dirty lingered the entire room. I forced myself to not make a face  

"If you really want to know, my roommate has been missing." Louis whispered. I nodded, but didn't really care.  

News flash, I know where your roommate is. And he's quite delicious, if i do say so myself. 

"Roommate?" I tried to sound interested. 

"Yes, roommate."  

"Who is he? Maybe i can find him for you," i suggested. Knowing that old sparks will fly, I reached over and pressed myself shockingly close to Louis, "For a price, that is." I pressed a kiss onto his cheek and backed away. 

"What are you really doing here, Liam?" he said through gritted teeth. 

"Fred may know where you live," i said. It looked as if all the breath left in Louis just went away. His eyes looked like they would've popped out of their sockets. I shared his panic, but i have mastered hiding it. 

"Wh-what?!" Louis screamed. "No, no, no, no! You said he thought -" 

"He still does." I cut him off. "Its a possibility that his henchmen may occasionally spy around here." 


"We, erm," i paused, "there's a new kid. Scrawny little thing. He lives across the street from here, and you know how Fred likes to keep everything clean." I lied. It was a close slip of the tongue. 

"I understand. How did you know i lived here?" 

"Your police report," i stammered. Damn, i was way out of it, "We have taps on everything going in and out of the station." 

"Oh," Louis looked down. Wow, that lie worked? Maybe I'm not so out of it. 

"So your roommate?" 

"Will you be willing to help me find him?" His voice broke at the end of his sentence. I truly did feel sorry for Louis, as an old friend. He had been through hell and back, and now this.  

"Sure. How does he look like?"  

"He's tall, maybe two or four inches taller than I am. He's got curly hair and green eyes. I don't really know how to describe him all too well. Its all so surreal. He's only sixteen." Louis spoke out quickly. 

"You're...twenty, correct? Why is he so much younger than you?"  

"I took him under my wing. Poor kid lived in the streets. Plus, it was after the whole incident, so i needed something to distract me from everything." 

"Drugs are always good." I joked. Louis shot me an annoyed look, before talking again. 

"I'm just afraid that he's under a bridge somewhere, dying." 

"Or dry humping a prostitute in Manchester." That earned me another annoyed glare. 

"I'm serious, Liam. Will you help me, please?" 

I pretended to ponder on the question before nodding my head. Louis smiled softly. 

"Thank you, thank you so much! It means a lot," he came forward and hugged me. I smiled to myself. Wow this kid is dumb.

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