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We know her side of the story, but what about him?
Did he ever reciprocate the feeling of love with equal passion?
Or she was just a phase for him?
Did he just help her awaken her soul or find his own in the process?

We lived through the story of her forever.
Now the time has come to explore the grounds of his heart.


Now the usual shit :P

All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed or modified without permission. If found guilty, the author has every right to sue you, she can also stab you with her forks at night provided she's a professional stalker. Any resemblance to other stories is pure coincidence.

Do not, I repeat DO NOT read this if you haven't read Unfaithfully His.

Do I sound intimidating yet?

This book is dedicated to my main hoes ❤

Ps. Please don't laugh at the cover I'll find someone to make a new cover afterwards xD

P.s.s. Sorry for such a delay, I'm kinda busy with my college admissions. I hate it when people say that they're busy (that sounds rude idk why) but genuinely all my time goes in visiting colleges, filling longass forms and discussing my future with mama and papa.
I don't like to keep people (if there are any) waiting for no reason, that's a bitch move.
Again extremely sorry :(

I love you even if you don't like Harry Potter ❤

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