FoUrTY EigHt

171 16 267

Hey wassup it's been a while xD
*prays for the writing to not embarrass me*

A confused Zayn finally zeroed on entering the Arabella's ward after he realised that walking around the room in circles is of no help. A single phone call from her lover's mother left his brain in a storm. Sure he told her that he's ready to complete her wish, but soon regret set it's foot in his heart.

Seeing his friend in the company of machines and tubes attached to her body scared him to no ends, a foolish move of him can send her to embrace death. Spending months with her has given him enough time to study her nature and behaviour when it comes to Harry, he knew better than informing Arabella about Anne's call.

A nurse came to change Ara's clothes and to clean her up, it was Zayn's clue to go outside, an opportunity to sit with a calm mind and go through his options, weighing the necessity of recurring Harry's recordings and giving them to his friend against the condition she was in currently due to her unhealthy love for the deceased.

He sat in a café, staring into the spaces ahead of him, his countenance changing from frown to confused. He didn't wish for the voice notes to affect her negatively, the chances of her taking another dreadful step were higher, his counsellor friend had warned him about the depth of danger.

Although, he believed that Ara had the right to know about Harry's death, about the part of his life that's still in the shadows. His eyes shone with light as a ray of hope became visible. If Ara got to know about Harry's married life closely, she may choose to move on further in life, it was anyway useless to wait for someone who's not on this earth physically, he thought.

The possibility may be less but at least his mind found rest, enough to enjoy the aroma of fresh brownies while sipping on his cappuccino. The friendly waitresses didn't need to ask for his order, it had been the same since days, nevertheless Zayn was their favourite customer provided he gave a handsome tip along with a smile each time.

He took a parcel from the café, a piece of chocolate cake for his Ara when his eyes caught the scene around him. Candles were lit, the Christmas lights still twinkled in all glory. Happiness surged in the air as people celebrated the epilogue of their stories and a new chapter of life begun. It was the New year's eve.

Party and celebrations were the last thoughts in the minds of those who were surviving and not living. Arabella had no grip on the present, she had already tangled her heart in the strings of past, cared less even if the strings were squeezing the life out of it, cutting through. She was too blinded to notice the hazel pair of eyes that were only for her.

Zayn the player, the reckless one was a slave at her feet. He realised how close Ara was to his heart when she was distant. The grief of losing her once was enough for him to confess the love that was between them to himself. A mistake is what made them drift apart, his mistake that he's dying to correct by being her support. As much as the thought of Arabella with Harry makes his blood boil, he didn't feel it right to take away from Ara the only source of information she could get of her boyfriend, the recordings.

His mind became blank with the sight of Ara smiling wide at him. He blinked multiple times to confirm that his mind isn't playing tricks but doubts flew out of the window when she called his name and offered him to sit besides.

Lovelorn and defeated, he was next to her in a flash, timidly approaching to hold her hand and kiss the back of it.
"Happy New year, Ara." He said removing a box from his bag, trying not to keep his eyes on Ara for an uncomfortably long time.

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