102 12 166

Wut? I cri cuz golden jubilee
Mah luv to y'all

Idk why I wrote like that↑↑ xD

Aroma of fresh lavender and orange lingered in the hotel room, Zayn made the volume full to make sure that no detail goes unnoticed. His heart was beating faster for he did not know what to expect, there was a slight shot of thrill in his veins, the type that is felt while doing the forbidden. He heard some muffled noises before someone actually spoke up.

"Harry! Harry faster!" Zayn's eyes widen at the high pitched sound of a female who appeared to be panting heavily.

"Oh God Hazel! I don't think I can last longer." He heard a breathless groan and string of incoherent words following in a hoarse voice which he recognised as Harry's. Series of moans and rugged breathing soon replaced the words, Zayn gulped, trying hard to concentrate while blood started pumping toward the south.

"Finally!" Their harmonised scream caught his attention once again.
"Hazel, I'm never doing another potato sack race with you! My feet are freaking swollen from the amount of time you've jumped on them!"

"Crazy people!" Zayn exclaimed to himself as all the unholy thoughts escaped from his head.

"Your feet are too big, not my fault!" The girl named Hazel huffed and they both burst into laughter.

"You have a huge nose too!" Harry attacked in a subtle manner.
"Says the one who has a penis for nose." Unknowingly, Zayn thought about Arabella as the couple bickered in the background.

"I love you baby, and will always do." Harry said and the clip ended. Hastily he clicked on the next one, hoping that this would be of some assistance in filling out the incomplete spaces of the puzzle called Harry.

"Sitting here in the garden isn't helping much." The clip begin, "You have to muster up some courage Harry, you love her and want to spend your next living years with her! You have to propose Haz! I know I want to marry her, she seems to have lost hopes in me, I'm not a coward but.... Just nervous." A chuckle left past Zayn's lips as he realised Harry was talking to himself, encouraging his own self to ask Hazel's hand in marriage. He felt amused by the common thing he found between himself and Harry.

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