Chapter 56

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Please enjoy this chapter!

--(Y/n) POV--

'Hiro' grabbed my hand, but I pulled my hand back. "You can't be Hiro! The Hiro I know is just 14! Not a 30 year old freak!" I yelled at him. I turned away to run, but 'Hiro' grabbed my wrist. "(Y/n) please listen! We don't have much time! We need to go now!" I was about to protest once more, but I suddenly heard a really loud sound. "Oh no... Run! Follow me!" 'Hiro' told me and he dragged me towards a place I didn't know. I didn't protest this time, because I felt that something way more dangerous than a maybe fake Hiro was coming our way. I was running as fast as I could, and that wasn't as fast as I wanted to run. Hiro looked at me. "Whatever you do, don't look back. You don't want to see what's happening there." 'Hiro' told me and I nodded in silence.

I started feeling tired. My breath was shaggy and I couldn't think straight anymore. (that means that you're gay right? Sorry... I just wanted to lift the mood a bit) My head felt light, and I felt like I wanted to puke. I am sure I would do that if it wasn't for that I was running away from a danger that I didn't know. 'Hiro' kept glancing at me every now and than. He must have seen that I wasn't doing well, and I noticed that he wanted to slow down as well, but something was stopping him from doing so. I didn't know what, and I did want to know..... or on seconds thoughts, I probably didn't want to find out what was behind us. The only thing my mind was thinking of was that my legs were hurting, and that I wanted to fall down on the ground. "(Y/n) don't give up! We are almost there! Think of happy times!" I heard 'Hiro' yell. I looked at him. I didn't know what to think of! I couldn't think straight, and my brain felt dead. "Like..... that time we..... played together with Jamie.... and Jack." Hiro said between breaths. I just began thinking, and it did give me some energy.

 I stood behind the tree, waiting for Hiro and Tadashi to return with Jamie. I suddenly got hit by a snowball. "Jack!" I yelled. "How did you know that?" I heard. Jack came flying towards me. " Who else would throw a snowball to me, right now?" I said back. "Well, let me see, Jamie or one of the guys who you were walking with." I laughed. "The guys are getting Jamie and I am supposed to scare him!" I said while I again stepped behind the tree. "You know that isn't going to work? Let me help you." Jack said. " Uuh... sure." I said back. that next thing I know was that I was lifted from the ground and set in the tree. "Look now you're going to scare him." I wanted to say something but I heard voices coming to me. Jack sit next to me on the branch. Jamie, Tadashi and Hiro were now under the tree. I wanted to jump but Jack stopped me. They walked pas the tree. I saw that Hiro looked behind him. He elbowed Tadashi, and said something to him. Tadashi looked behind him. "Look, now they are going to look for you and after some time I will let you down. Okay?" Jack whispered to me. "Okay." I whispered back. Hiro now said something to Jamie and they turned around. When the were under the tree again, Jamie said "I don't see her. Are you sure it was this tree?" "Yes I am, look you can see her footprints right here." Hiro said while he pointed at the footprints I made. "Okay, but who said Jack didn't make them?" Jamie says back. Jack gave me now a snowball, and pointed to Jamie. 'you throw to him I do the others' he mouthed. "Well if this Jack exists, would he make footprints. Because like you said, if you don't believe you don't see him, so why would you see the footprints?" Hiro said. Jamie wanted to say something back but I threw the snowball in his face. Tadashi and Hiro started to laugh, when they suddenly got hit by snowballs to. I saw little blue snowflakes by their eyes. They looked confused around. "Jack!" Jamie yelled. "Okay, you got us!" Jack said while he lifted us down. Now I could see that their faces were covered in snow. I laughed my butt of. "What's so funny?" Tadashi asked. "You should of seen your faces! It was priceless!" I laughed more.  

I smiled a bit with my mouth, and I ran a bit harder than before. Hiro was right, it did give me some more energy if I thought of happy memories. And he surely was the real Hiro. No one else could really know that kind of stuff. We kept running for a few minutes I think. Suddenly Hiro stopped. "Hiro..... Where are... we.." I asked him between my shaggy breathes. Hiro said nothing, and pressed some buttons. It was like a code. A door opened and Hiro gestured me to get in. I walked inside the building, and he closed the door behind him. Then he sat down. I sat down besides him. "First I am going to catch my breath, before I need to explain how I found you." Hiro told me and I just sat silent. 

"What was that thing behind us? Why were you afraid of it?" I asked Hiro after a bit of time. "Well, that thing behind us isn't really a thing. It happens every week at the same time since you disappeared. First weird zombie like people appear. But they have no face, or anything like that. You can't look at them, or you can't see them. they are like a blind spot in your eye. We call them the leemtes. Then a sort of portal opens, who knows where it leads, and than two big waves come, destroying everything. After the waves the leemtes disappear." Hiro told me. "Wow... What do the leemtes do?" I asked him curious. "Well, to thing they do nothing, but as soon as they touch human skin they absorb them. They human becomes on of the leemtes and the leemte who absorbed becomes bigger." Hiro said to me. "Why do they do that?" I asked. "We don't know (Y/n), we don't know."


Hello reader!

Here is another chapter!

Question of the chapter:

What kind of genre (films/books/music/games) do you enjoy the most?

I like all kinds of films, same with the music (although I listen to rock the most at the moment) I like fantasy books the most and games is also fantasy kind!

Till the next time! (^-^)/ Asja

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