Chapter 71 (Birthday special 2.0)

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Enjoy the story! (It's my birthday! 11th of April) 

---(Y/n) POV---

"Hello (Y/n), I have been told that you were in distress. What is the matter?" Baymax asked me politely. "Uhmm.... I am on my period for the first time." I told him, not really sure how he could help me. "Alright. I am now going to show you the procedure of what to do when you're on your period for the first time. This is just a beta version, so there will probably be a view bugs. Don't mind them." Baymax said to me, and I nodded slowly. "I'll get started." Baymax put the clothing he was holding in his hands down on the ground. (if you can call it hands... they're more like balloons, but they work like hands.) He turned around, and when he turned back he was holding a red box. Just plain red, nothing special about it, except maybe for the poorly written 'Period box' on it. "The first thing that you need to know is what to use. There are more things you can use to make sure no one see the blood. There are three main things, tampons, sanitary pads and menstrual cups." Baymax opened the box, and got out the said things. "Because this is your first time having period, I advice to just use the sanitary pads. You could also use the other ones, but those are not as simple to do." Baymax adviced me. Again I nodded to him. "Now how to use it." Baymax lowered the red box, till I could see his stomach, and he started playing a video. "The sanitary pads you just place inside your underpants. Make sure to put the right side to the front. You need to change the sanitary pads when they are full. You can see that through the blood stain in the pad." Baymax told me. The video that played showed everything the he said. "The tampons and menstrual cups are both to be placed inside the vagina. The difference between the two are two things. One, you can use the menstrual cups again, and again. The only thing you need to do is to wash them. You can't do that with tampons. Two, menstrual cups collect your blood inside the vagina, while tampons absorbs you blood. The difference between that is, if a tampon is full it will be most likely to leach you blood." Baymax told me, and the video showed me very detailed things about how to insert the stuff. "Which one would you like to use?" Baymax asked me, while he tilted his head a bit to the left. "I'll go with the pads." I told him, and he handed me the pads from the box, or at least he tried to. Baymax dropped the pads mid way, onto my clothing. When he started to bent down, I stopped him, know that he would probably fail, because of the small room. I grabbed the pads from my undergarments, and grabbed my underpants with it. "Thanks Baymax. You can go now." I told him. "But the procedure isn't completed yet. I still need to tell you about how the menstrual cycle works, why it is there, and how to postpone the cycle if needed." Baymax objected. "I'll ask that to my mom." I told him, smiling because I knew my mom was alive in this world. "I'll not leave until you say that you are satisfied with your care." Baymax objected again. "I am satisfied with my care." I told him, and Baymax started to walk away. I closed the door fast behind him, and started to put the pad inside my clean underpants. 

When I was finally done with that, and I put on my clean underpants, with the pads inside, I looked at the calendar, and remembered what Hiro told me just a moment ago. "It's (B/m). It's almost your birthday, right?"  That was just plain weird, or just a time skip between the dimensions. I walked out of the bathroom, after I put my undergarments inside the washer. When I came into Hiro and Tadashis's room I saw them sitting, already dressed and all. "So did Baymax work?" Tadashi asked me, as soon as I walked in. "He worked, and he explained everything pretty well. Just, I don't think you should let him explain why there are periods and stuff like that. Of course it could be handy some day, but not on your first period." I told him, and Tadashi nodded interested. "Alright. I think I can find something for that." Tadashi said, more to himself then to me. "Alright, now I just want to get dressed. Should I do that here? And are there maybe still clothes from me here?" I asked Hiro and Tadashi. "We still have some clothing from you, it's in here." Hiro told me, and he gave me the clothing. "Oh, and if you're done just come downstairs to we can have breakfast." Hiro said, and he exited the room. "Tadashi?" I asked the bigger brother, and he snapped out of his thoughts. "Yeah? Oh, I'll leave." Tadashi said and he fast walked out of the room. 



The birhtday special is coming soon! I just don't feel like writing it now... on my birthday.

Question of the chapter:

What is your favorite thing to do when home alone?

I go all out! Big party! Alone!.... I probably watch Youtube on the TV and put my music out loud.. 

Till the next time! (^-^)/ Asja, the birthday girl. 

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