Chapter 61

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Enjoy your stay! Want some tea?

---(Y/n) POV---

I was awoken by the lovely sounds of screams.... wait what?!?! I sat up straight and looked around in panic. I threw my covers of me and stood up. I was still in the room where aunt Cass told me to sleep. It was a grey room, with two beds. Aunt Cass was sleeping next to me that night, but now she was gone. Nowhere to be seen. The screams were outside my door. I had a feeling I shouldn't open, but for plot convince I did open the door. Or out of curiosity. The first thing I saw was aunt Cass's back. "Cass?" I asked. "Not now kid. The Leemtes got we need to-" I saw that aunt Cass was getting swallowed. "Didn't think this would happen... (Y/n), please know that I loved you like a daughter... and please tell Hiro that-" she was swallowed whole. I looked in horror to the Leemte that swallowed her. "Cass?..." My voice was unstable. I looked to the Leemte, thinking it would swallow me, but it didn't. It just stood there. Then it lifted its arm, and laid it on my shoulder. I didn't know what to do. Wasn't I supposed to get swallowed, just like aunt Cass? I did get swallowed. Suddenly it spoke, without a mouth. "You'll choose..... You'll life....." I stood there silent, on the verge of crying. "What the HECK does that mean?! I am sick of this!" I yelled out, angry. Why? Why does this happen to me? The Leemte just went on. "You'll choose..... You'll life....." I tried to slap away it's arm, but the arm didn't budge. "You'll choose..... You'll life....." I didn't want this... not again. "You'll choose..... You'll life....." I just looked at the Leemte, without doing anything. "You'll choose..... You'll life....." I got into a kind of trance, just looking at the Leemte. "You'll choose..... You'll life....." It was not there, but it was. "You'll choose..... You'll life....." Now the Leemte was right before me I could see it. Clearly. "You'll choose..... You'll life....." I gave up, my life would never be normal again. "You'll choose..... You'll life....." Suddenly my arm got grabbed by someone, and it dragged me away from the Leemte. "Run." The person yelled. I snapped out of my trance with the Leemte and started running. The person seemed to know the way, but I didn't know the person. Or better said I didn't recognize them. We kept running, our breaths getting shagged, my legs feeling tired, my head pumped with thoughts, our hands holding onto each other. The person opened a door, and we came into a room. They closed the door behind us and locked it. I knew this room. It was the room where Hiro is in. The room that I visited yesterday. "Is someone there?" I heard Hiro call out. I was about to answer, but the person put a hand over my mouth. The person turned me around. This was the first time I could actually see the person, in the shadow of the room. I was really surprised to see Nico. But something was different about him. His eyes were a bit different green from each other, his hair was two kinds of blond, one side of his face was more mad, the other one more sad. His face was kind of mad-sad. I stepped back a bit. "Nico?" I whispered to him. "I know." It sounded like two voices spoke. Before I could react he started talking, out loud. I knew that Hiro could hear him. "I am so sorry that I did this to you." Again two voices. "I am so sorry that I went into the portal." Now just one, sad sounding voice. "I am so sorry for what I am going to put you through." Two this time. "I am so sorry from trying to throw Hiro through the portal. I am so sorry for becoming Secules." Said by an other voice. "I am so sorry for being me." The voices ended. Nico stopped talking. "What happened?" I asked to him. "We morphed together. So we could come into this world, and stop all the madness. That was his plan. What are you talking about? You wanted this too!" The sound of Nico's voice changed many times. "Uhm, guy...s You know that I can't understand what you're talking about when you fight yourselve?" I told them. "Yeah.. she is right, you hear that nitwit. Aright... let's try to talk as one." The Nico(s) answered. "Thank you." I said. I did forget about Cass for some time. "Who are there? (Y/n)? Is that you?" I heard Hiro ask to us. I looked at Nico. "Yeah..." I answered. "Could you, and your friend, please come into the light?" Hiro asked us. "Sure." the Nicos answered. we walked into the light. Hiro first looked at me, his face suddenly softened. "(Y/n) please... forgive me for yesterday... I am sorry..." Hiro said, and I just nodded, not using words. I saw that Hiro looked behind me, where Nico was. His face suddenly turned mad, almost insane. "You! You stole her! You stole her from me! You stole my precious from me!" Hiro yelled mad. Insanity was in his eyes. I stepped back, scared of him trying to attack me. Hiro seemed to notice. "(Y/n)..." His voice broke when he said my name. I looked at Hiro. This was the person I loved, this was the person that helped me, and he was broken. Broken on the inside by the Leemtes. Broken by everything. I felt guilty. I turned to look at Nico. "You told me that you were going to put me through something. Does it have anything to do with the fact that you morphed? With the fact that you wanted to stop the madness in this world?" I asked Nico. "Yes it does."


Hey reader!

How are you? and did you like the chapter?

Question of the chapter:

What's your favorite Disney movie besides BH6? (and a children movie.... not Star Wars)

Mine is Peter Pan... but I just really like the story too, so I love all versions of Peter Pan....

Till the next time! (^-^)/ Asja

P.S. *Voice over voice* What would happen next? Why did Nico morph? What is wrong with Hiro? Who will life? You'll read it all next week, in the new chapter of Amare.

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