Why Are You in My House?!

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"Wha-what are you doing?" I asked.  I could feel the tip of the blade pressing into my back.  Any harder and she probably would have broken through the skin.

"You just smell really good for some reason.  Are you wearing any cologne?" She asked.  She started to sniff me.

"No, I don't have any on.  What's that red stuff on you?" I asked. She giggled before letting me go and using her finger to wipe some off her cheek and lick it off.  I looked over her shoulder and saw a puddle of the stuff leaking from behind the counter. 

She grabbed my wrist, "Please don't be mad, ok?"

I walked behind the counter and saw a broken glass jar of strawberry jam on the floor, surrounded by a few pieces of toast.  I let out a sigh of relief.  I turned around and saw Violet pouting, "It's alright, let's get this cleaned up.  Afterwards, I got ready to leave.  I grabbed my stuff and went to say bye to Freddy and the gang.  They were all a little disappointed to find out I would be gone for the weekend.

"If I could take you home I would." I told them.

"Please.  We've never been able to step foot outside of the restaurant for decades.  We're not even going to be active on the weekends" Chica pleaded.

"It isn't as easy as you think.  You're not allowed to leave the property.  Even if you could leave, to everybody else you're still towering machines.  You wouldn't fit through human sized doors.  You'd need to be put into completely new bodies," I replied.  Chica frowned.  I patted her head gently.  I did feel bad for them.  I couldn't imagine being stuck in the same place for more than 30 years.  I guess I could try to whip up something for them, "I'll see what I can do though."

Chica rejoiced, as well as the others.  I left and saw Violet at the gates.  She seemed like she was back to normal.  "Any plans this weekend?" She asked.

"Sleep and eat." I said jokingly.  She laughed as well.

"See you later." she said as I walked away.  I waved and headed home.  I got to my apartment, ate breakfast, and went to sleep.  I woke up later that afternoon and headed to a few stores to get a few supplies to build my new project.  A storm rolled in around 7 o'clock that evening when I got home that evening.  I was able to get the endoskeletons built and partially functional before going to bed that night.  The natural rhythm of the storm helped me fall into a deep sleep.

I was shocked out of my sleep by a loud bang, a thud, and some things being knocked over.  I jumped up and rushed into the kitchen.  The window was wide open and the wind was howling.  I flipped the light switch and saw someone soaking wet laying on their side with a little blood starting to pool around them.  I flipped them over and recognized them as Violet.  She had a large blood stain on her shirt.

"What happened?! I'm calling 911!" I went for the phone, but she grabbed my wrist.

"No. Don't.  I'll be fine.  I just need a little patching up and some rest.  Is it alright if I stay for awhile?" She replied.  I got a towel to cover the wound, until I found my first aid kit.  I cleaned the wound and wrapped it in gauze and gave her some dry clothes for her to change into. 

I stood outside the bathroom door as she changed, "How'd you find where I live?"

"I've got the key to the main office.  That's where they keep all of the employee files.  I looked in yours the other day." she replied over the running water.

"What?! You can't just invade my privacy like that," I looked back at the window where she came from, "How'd you even get inside though?  This is the second floor and the windows lock from the inside."

She laughed," I 'borrowed' a ladder and it wasn't hard to pick the lock.  Any more questions Detective?"

"Yeah, how'd you get hurt?  Looks like some kind of knife wound," The water stopped and she said nothing, "Violet?"

The door opened and she just looked at me, "He....he got mad.  I don't want to talk about it."

I led her too my room ,"You can sleep in here, I'll stay on the couch tonight."

"No!  I wouldn't feel safe alone."  She scooted over and smiled.

"I haven't even known you that long." I said.

"Well this is the perfect time to bond and get to know each other."  She giggled.  I got in th bed facing away and she immediately snuggled up to me.  I wasn't sure what to say so I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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