Permanent Vacation- chapter 7

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"Frustration, desperation, you say I need some kind of medication, situation, no motivation, destination, permanent vacation"


"So please welcome to the stage, Harry Styles!" The interviewer announced as Harry walked out onto the stage, waving at the crowd as he made his way towards the lady interviewer, shaking her hand and then sitting on the comfy sofa.

"So let's start with a basic question Harry, how have you been?" Asked the interviewer, sitting sideways in her sofa/chair so she was facing Harry but also facing the audience.

"I've been great" Harry spoke "It's been good to have some time off to myself, see my family and have some quality time with them."

"That's good, so you booked this interview for a certain reason?" The interviewer asked, she didn't actually know the reason, Harry never actually told them.

Harry was now getting nervous, but he had to do this, he had to, for Niall, because Niall was proud of him, so proud of him and Harry has to admit, he really god damn likes Niall.

"Yeah, this interview is for a reason" Harry spoke, nervously.

"So, what is your announcement?" She asked, getting a little excited.

"This may come as a shock to you" Harry started saying, "But this is who I am, who I have always been and I won't change for anyone" Harry paused and took a deep breath, then continued on, "I'm gay, I have been since I was 13 and that's my announcement."

Once he finished speaking the crowd went silent, until they all started cheering and clapping for him.

"Wow, what an announcement! Well ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first, Harry Styles as come out as gay!" The interviewer said, shaking Harry's hand and congratulating him.

After he had answered a couple of questions, Harry said goodbye to the crowd and left the stage and the first thing he did was message Niall.

"I did it, I've come out as gay, I did it all for you darling!xx"

"I'm so proud of you Harry, I am so fucking proud of you!xx"


Hey guys!

I'm sorry that it's not that long but Harry has come out as gay and Niall's very proud of him!

I hope you guys like this chapter and I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas and New year! It's 2016 and it was my first day back at college today and I'm 18 in 17 days! I'm so excited!

I love you all!


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