Chapter 1 i guess.

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A/N: This is awful and all batman's fault. 😊 And sorry for any and all errors.

Disclaimer: I own no characters from either marvel's Avengers or Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson. But the story is mine.

Percy's POV:
I took deep breaths to try and keep the tears in. I couldn't break down at camp because I was all they had left after the war with Gaea and I had to be strong. I had used my wish to cut my ties from the gods until I was ready to go back, and now I was heading home and the thing I wanted most in the world was to break down crying. I lost all of them. Every last one. Including the love of my life Annabeth. I knew my mom would understand and that was what I needed right now.
I continued my way down the street with only my rucksack, riptide in pen form and my camp necklace.
I finally got to my small apartment. I went to knock on the door but saw that it was already open. I drew riptide and uncapped it. I cautiously stepped into my house with my senses on high alert. I stepped through the door way to find the normally neat apartment in ruins. There was stuff thrown about everywhere, yet still no signs of Paul or my mom. I made my way from room to room, all the while keeping my face emotionless. Finally the only room remaining was my bedroom. The door was shut but I saw something that stopped me dead. Blood.
I took a deep breath and cautiously opened the door. I stepped in and stoped in my tracks. Lying on my bed were the bodies of my mom and Paul. I choked out a sob. And rushed to them. I check both their pulses but found nothing. The both had cuts all over and stab wounds over their hearts. Their empty eyes stared up at me as I cried. And I broke. I sat their for hours and just sobbed. Eventually I got up to call the police and for the first time, I noticed a note. It was bright blue and stuck to the picture of my mom, Paul and I at the beach the year before the war. The year before I lost everything.
I walked over and, with shaking hands I picked up the note.
You defeated my Gaea, consider this payback. You think you've won, but your wrong. I will make your life a living hell, even from here. This is just the start.
It took all I had not to break down again. But somehow I managed it. I ripped up and burnt the note and walked slowly towards my kitchen. I picked up the phone and with shaking hands dialled 911.
"Emergency services. What service do you require?" A woman's voice came through.  I was shaking so badly I nearly dropped the phone.
In a stuttering voice I replied.
"I n-need the p-police. My parents have b-been m-mu-murdered." I cried.
"Okay sweetie. What's your name and where are you?" She asked.
"Percy." I said and gave my address.
"Alright sweetie. Some officers are on their way. I need you to stay on the phone for me. Okay?" She asks and I agree.
"How old are you?" She asks.
"17" I answer quietly.
"Okay Percy. Are you hurt at all?"
"Okay. The police will be there in a few minutes. You might be questioned but don't worry. Okay?" She says. I say yes and she says goodbye and hangs up. I sink down to the floor next to my sink and cry softly. A few minutes later, the police arrive. I hear them walk in since the doors unlocked and they call out. I slowly rise to my feet and shuffle out to see two male officers and a female. When I emerge one of the men asks me if I'm Percy and I nod.
He gives me a sympathetic look.
"Hiya Percy. I'm detective Johnson and this is Sargent Peters." He says gesturing toward the other man, who gives a nod in greeting.
"And this," he continues, "is detective Kelly Williams." I nod at them because I can't say anything. I'm shaking badly and detective Kelly walks over to me and guide me to the couch.
"Can you tell us where the bodies are?" She asks gently. I nod and point towards my room. The two males leave quickly but detective Kelly stays with me. 
She asks me questions and I answer shakily. I can't believe they are gone. I've already lost so much.
Eventually detective Johnson leaves with the bodies and Sargent Peters, detective Kelly and I head out to the squad car so they can get me to the station.
The car ride passes in a blur, as do the interviews. Eventually I find myself sitting on my own in a small room. After an hour detective Kelly comes in.
"Hi detective." I say tiredly.
"You can call me Kelly sweetie." She says and I nod.
"We don't have any leads yet but we will look into it. We have managed to find you somewhere to stay."
"Where?" I ask confused. I don't have any other family.
"Your mom was adopted and after some digging we found out she had a younger brother. He has agreed to look after you and is waiting outside when you're ready." She says patting my knee.
"Who?" I ask.
"Tony Stark." She says with a small smile. I sigh and nod. Why did it have to be the billionaire/superhero? I stand up and she gives me a hug, and I surprise myself by hugging back. I thank her and walk out to the front of the building. I find that I just feel numb to all the pain.
Immediately after I walk out, I am blinded by camera flashes. I raise my hand to protect my eyes. Then I hear a shout.
"Hey kid! Percy! Percy Jackson!" I hear and spin around to see a man leaning out of a limo waving. He is wearing a tight black suit and shades.  I rush over to him and he ushers me into the back of the car. The second the door closes I let out a sigh of relief. I look over at my 'saviour' and see him grinning happily. I look at him confused.
"Hi Percy, I'm your uncle, Tony Stark." He says holding out his hand. I raise an eyebrow at his enthusiasm and shake his hand.
"Percy Jackson, but you knew that." I say solemnly and drop my hand to my lap. His smile drops a bit and he looks quizzical. I once again raise an eyebrow.
"What?" I say. He has his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
"I'm just.... Surprised. There's no 'OH MY GOD! YOUR IRON MAN!'" He says in a girly voice. I just keep an eyebrow raised. He sighs and chuckles.
"Of course my nephew is the only kid alive who doesn't know who the Avengers are." He mumbles. I smile and say sweetly, "avengers?" He sighs and I laugh. He looks up startled.
"I know who the avengers are I'm just not bothered that I'm related to iron man. I guess the avengers don't impress me after every thing I've been through" I say nonchalantly but I become quiet at the last part.
He stares at me and sighs. Then leans forward and tells the driver to go. I lean back in the seat and close my eyes. I reopen them when I hear Tony speak.
"So..... Percy. Look I'm sorry about your mom and step dad. I know what it's like to lose people." He says sadly. I look him in the eye and thank him. I let out a shaky sigh and can't help but think, 'but you haven't lost as many people as me'.
"What?" He asks and I look up surprised. I must have said that aloud.
"N-nothing" I stutter out. He eyes me but leaves it alone.

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