Chapter 6, well... This new

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AN disclaimer and apologies for spelling apply still. It's batman's fault. 
I actually really like this chapter, so yeah, it's probably bad. Enjoy!

Percy's POV:
After sleeping the rest of the previous day away, I felt strong again the next day. I asked Thor, and he said that as long as I felt fine and did no training, I was allowed out of that dam bed. (Haha old jokes.)
I got up and walked towards the kitchen that morning, feeling hungry and thirsty. When I walked in Bruce immediately stood and tried to get me back in bed and I laugh and gently push him of.
"I'm fine. I swear on the river Styx. Look," I say grabbing his hand and pressing it to my no longer burning forehead. "See, I'm alright. Apollo helped." I say and Bruce relaxes a little bit. "I am hungry though." I say and they laugh at me and I pout. Tony pulls out a chair and pats it and I sit down.
"Did you eat or drink any of the stuff Apollo gave you?" Thor asks and I shake my head.
"Not yet." I say and he walks of and come back with a square of ambrosia, I take it and eat it and my slightly wavering strength is rejuvenated. The avengers look at me weirdly and I shrug, I can't be asked to answer this question so I bounce it Thor.
"Ask Thor." I say simply and start to eat the toast that Natasha had placed in front of me. The avengers all look at him questioningly.
"Percy doesn't like pills, so Apollo put the medicine in a drink and a square of food." Thor says and I'm immediately glad that I put that to Thor because I would never have come up with something as believable as that. The Avengers nod and go back to their food.
The rest of the day passes quickly with playing video games, and I win every time.
After dinner, I find myself walking towards the pool. When I realise this I hesitate half a second then move forward again. I've missed water and I know it will help heal what Apollo couldn't of the curse.
I walk in and sit on the side, dipping my feet in the water, and immediately, strength and a refreshed feeling fills me. I close my eyes and I picture the beach a camp half blood. With the salty air, and the sound of the beautiful sea crashing - wait, did I just call my dad beautiful? I just shake my head at my ADHD and open my eyes. It's only then I realise someone is behind me. I turn to see Natasha.
I haven't really had time to get to know the black widow but I know enough about her from the way she presents herself to know that de is curious. I'm like a puzzle she can't solve. Annabeth used to say that about me. No, stop Percy. I look up at her and smile. She smiles back and walks over and sits next to me.
"What are you thinking about?" She asks.
"The truth?" I ask and she nods. I let out a long sigh and look back out at the water in the pool.
"The sea." I say and she looks at me questioningly, silently asking me to elaborate.
"I miss the beach and the water. The salty air, and sea breeze. Back at camp, they had this amazing beach and I loved it. It was my special place, where I could relax, talk to my friends or just think. I felt closest to those I loved there, and so I miss it. I miss all those feelings, and I can't really go back. The memories there are so strong of my friends, and I lost them. That beach holds so much sadness, yet I miss it with all my heart." I say and Natasha looks at me sadly. I send her a small smile and she gives me one back. She's about to speak, when Jarvis' urgent voice starts.
"There is an attack outside. Some form of monster, demanding to see Perseus." Jarvis says and my face pales.
"How have they already found me?" I whisper to myself. Natasha and I rush out to the front to see the rest of the avengers looking at the security camera confused. I walk over and see my old friend the Minotaur.
"Really!" I whine and I earn some strange looks. The avengers suit up and run of leaving me here. In panic I realise the avengers weapons won't work on the monster and rush to the front door, only to find its been locked. I need to get out there, they'll die otherwise and I'm not letting anyone else die! Then I'm struck with an idea. Well here goes nothing.

Clint's POV:
Why isn't it working? None of our weapons were working. All we were achieving in was making it mad. I saw the other avengers struggling. Some being batted away like flies, others being crushed. Thor was the only one who could do anything but even then, his hammer wasn't much when he couldn't get a clear shot because the bull kept moving around. All the while it kept yelling things like:
"Where is Perseus Jackson?" And "I want my revenge!" So I was thoroughly confused, along with the rest of the avengers while I was lost in thought, Thor had been smacked out of the sky and the cow was yelling that, "Thor was not the one he wanted."
The next thing I knew. We were losing. We could do no damage to this thing and I had no idea how to stop it. Just then, above we hear the sound of shattering glass. We all look up to see a figure jumping out of the fifth storey window of the Stark tower! Just as the figure is about to land on the ground, and most likely die, they perform a perfect roll and stand up into a defensive position, and that person is none other than Percy Jackson.

Percy's POV:
Well, that was probably one of the stupidest things I've ever done, actually no, thinking about it, it really isn't. I try not to focus on the stares of the avengers - and the one giddy fan girl smile of Thor - and turn to face the Minotaur. The dumb things still trying to work out who I am.
"Hey meat hog! I heard you were looking for me. Come on dude, I thought we'd gotten over this!" I say, successfully making him very mad. Oh well.
"Perseus! I want revenge!" He yells and I role my eyes.
"Yeah we've covered that, but I thought you'd give up after I'd killed you, wait, how many times are we on now? How do you even keep getting out of Tartarus?" I ask and he gets even madder.
"Revenge!" He yells and I just roll my eyes again. He charges towards me and I pull out riptide in pen form. I uncapped it and I turned into my reliable celestial bronze sword. He charged and I rolled out the way at the last minute. He turned and charged again, this time though, I ran up and lept over his head. As I flew through the air, I flipped and landed in a crouch on his hairy back. He screamed in anger and tried to buck me off but I had a firm hold. As he bucked again, I stabbed my sword into his head, right between his eyes and he bursts into golden dust. I start to fall but quickly execute a flip and land in a crouch. I quickly stand, transform riptide back into a pen, put it in my pocket and walk towards the front door, leaving the stunned group of avengers behind. I get there and realise that the door is still locked and sigh. I look back up to the window I broke and make quick work of scaling the wall and climbing through the window. I walk to my room, lock the door and fall into my bed, sighing as I realise what I just showed the avengers. At least I didn't use my powers, and it was worth it. I wouldn't let them die. No one else.

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