Chapter 3, or is it?

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A/N: most definitely still the fault of batman. Again sorry for any and every error. Please forgive me, I'm small.

Percy's POV:
Bruce's lab was something to be admired. Especially from the point of view of a demigod who can't use technology for risk of monsters.
He tells me to sit on the table and I do as he asks, seeing no point in arguing. He comes over with a box and pulls out some high tech looking stuff. A few things I recognise from the Apollo kids, but a lot of it is unfamiliar. He checks my blood pressure and shines a light it my eyes. He seems satisfied overall, and he is yet to see or find anything out of the ordinary. That's when he asks.
"I have a theory about asthma, and I need to check you chest and breathing anyways so can you take your shirt off?" He asks and I immediately shake my head.
"Do you have to? I'm really not comfort-" I start but he cuts me off.
"Just do it." He sighs and I let out a sigh of my own.
"Fine, but I'm not answering anymore questions." I mutter and lift of my shirt. He gasps and I look away. I know he sees the scars and I can feel his curiosity bubbling.
"Just get what you need to do, done." I say and he nods. He puts the cold end of the stethoscope against my heart and listens to my heart for a minute, then nods approvingly. He then tells me to take a deep breath in and out and tells me to do the same, but this time with the end on my back. He nods and writes stuff down.
"Are we done?" I ask and he nods. I quickly pull on my shirt and cross my arms over my chest.
"Are you diagnosed with anything?" He asks and I shrug.
"Just dyslexia and ADHD" I say and he nods.
"As far as I can tell, there are no signs of asthma and you seem like your very healthy. Which doesn't surprise me, with the amount of exercise you do. I don't know what caused the thing in the pool. Tell me what happened again." He says and I oblige, sticking to my original lie.
"I just got really hard to breathe." And he nods.
"You look like you were in pain." He states. Dam, how do I get out of this one?
"It made my chest feel tight and made it painful to breathe. To be honest it scared me and I panicked." I say and hope it's acceptable.
"Okay, well maybe you just got a cramp." He says and I nod.
"Can I go?" I ask and he nods. I quickly leave and walk straight to my room. Before I get there though, I run into Thor and remember that he had looked like he wanted to talk.
"Ah, Percy! How are you? Has Banner cured you?" He asks.
"I'm fine, we think it was just a cramp, not asthma." I say. He smiles at me.
"Good! I actually wished to talk to you." He says and gestures to my room. I nod and we walk into my room. I decide that if we are going to talk about what i think we are, I don't want any ease droppers.
"Jarvis shut of all audio recordings and cameras in this room and do not inform mr stark. If he asks, they are broken." I say and Thor looks at me in surprise.
"Yes sir." Jarvis says and I nod. I gesture to the chairs and Thor nods. We sit down and I start to fiddle with a pen because of my ADHD.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask. Thor smiles at me.
"I know who and what you are." He says excitedly and I raise an eyebrow. He smiles happily at me.
"When I heard your name I didn't think anything of it, but then Steve old me you go to a camp and how you joked about fighting monsters, and it made sense. On Asgard, the tales of Perseus Jackson are truly amazing, I can't believe I didn't realise before. I just never thought you'd be the Percy Jackson!" He says, screaming like a fan girl.
"Well there goes my cover." I mumble.
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone, I swear on the river Styx." He says, practically bouncing up and down in his seat.
"Why are you not still at camp?" He asks. This is a sore subject. 
"I left because, after the war I was offered a wish, and it was that I didn't have to have any ties with the Greek or Roman world until I was ready to come back." I say sadly and he looks a little crestfallen.
"Tell me how is lady Annabeth, and the rest of the seven?" He asks and I freeze. I can't look at him and I feel tears come to my eyes. I take a deep breath, Thor didn't mean to upset me, he didn't know.
"Th-they all d-died in t-the w-war." I whisper and Thor's demeanour changes immediately to apologetic.
"I'm so sorry young hero. You have been through too much for such a young age." He says and I just nod and put my head in my hands. He places his hand on my shoulder and I look up to meet his eyes. He gives me a small smile and I return it.
"Do the others know who you are young demigod?" I just shake my head.
"I don't want them to know yet. It just seems wrong to get them caught up in it." I say sadly and Thor nods in understanding. Then is seems like a light bulb goes of in his head and he suddenly looks curious yet concerned.
"What happened in the water today? That was your fathers domain, did he harm you?" He asks and I shake my head. I don't want to tell him but I know I have to tell someone.
"No. Dad and I parted on agreed terms. It wasn't him." I say.
"Then wh-" Thor says but I cut him off.
"Tartarus." I blurt out and sigh and put my head back in my hands taking deep, shakes breaths.
"What do you mean?" He asks and I look him in the eye, his strong powerful ones, meeting my shattered dull green ones.
"He tortures me still, anyway he can. Mainly through dreams. He makes me rewatch their deaths and so much more. The pool was just to show me he what he could do, although, I think it was a one of because of the amount of power it took." I say and Thor gapes at me.
"Oh my, can I help?" He says and I smile and shake my head.
"It's okay Thor. Honestly." He looks doubtful. I stand up and he follows then he surprises me. He kneels down and bows. I stand there shocked until I come to my senses, and quickly pull him to his feet.
"What are you doing?" I hiss and he just smiles.
"You are a great hero Perseus, you deserved to be bowed to." He says and I shake my head.
"No. I don't. Please don't ever do that again. I don't deserve yours, or anyone else's respect. I let my friends die...." I trail of a t the last bit and look down, tears filling my eyes. Then Thor surprises me yet again, he hugs me. I gasp and look up at the God, who has his muscled arms wrapped around my scared body, and I makes more tears fall.
"You do deserve it Perseus, and it wasn't your fault. They died as heroes and it will never be your fault. I, and all the other mortals are here for you now. Okay?" He says and I give a small nod and pull back. I take a deep breath and he smiles at me. I smile a small, watery smile back. Then there is a knock on the door and I quickly wipe my eyes.
I walk over and open it to find Tony. He smiles in greeting, and I smile back, putting on the facade that in was my usual bubbly self. It was easy since I had done it so many times at camp.
"Hi Percy, oh hi Thor. I just wanted to tell you lunch was ready." He says with a smile and I walk out with Thor following me with that stupid fangirl smile on his face. I roll my eyes at him and walk next to Tony.
"Are you okay? What did Bruce say?" He asks and I smile.
"I'm fine. No asthma, or health problems. Probably just a cramp that caused me to panic. I'm okay, really." I reply and he looks relieved.
"Bruce told me you had dyslexia and ADHD. Why didn't you tell me?" He ask and I give him a shrug.
"Didn't seem important." I say and turn to see Thor smiling broadly like he understood an inside joke, I just roll my eyes again.
"Anything else I should know?" He asks and I shake my head with a smile.
"Nope," I say popping the p, "I'm really a boring person."
At that Thor bursts into laughter and I punch him in the arm in a playful manner.
"Ow!" He says and rubs his arm with a smile, "that hurt Perseus!" He says and I scowl at my real name. It's now Tony's turn to laugh hysterically.
"Yo-your f-full name is Perseus!" He wheezes out and I scowl at him.
"Yes, Anthony. It is. You got a problem. I'll have you know the name Perseus Achilleas Jackson, is well known." I say in a fake patronising voice.
"Achilleas! Oh my your mom was obsessed with Greek mythology wasn't she! And don't call me Anthony!" He says and continues laughing. He doesn't notice my shoulders droop at the mention of my mom and Greek mythology. Although I severed my ties, I still seriously miss my dad, and Chiron. Hades, I even miss the other gods. I must have stopped walking because Tony turns and sees my face and walks back over, looking apologetic.
"Oh god, I'm sorry kid. I didn't mean to upset you." He says and puts his hand on my shoulder. I shake my head and give him a small smile.
"It's fine. Honestly. I'm okay." I say and he nods, still looking guilty. He walks of down the hall clearly deciding to give me a bit of space. I take a deep breath, then feel a hand on my shoulder, I almost forgot about Thor.
"You miss them." He states and I nod.
"Not just my parents. I miss my friends and my wise girl. I even miss the gods, including the drama queen Zeus." I say with a small chuckle as I hear thunder roll angrily. Thor chuckles too and encourages me toward the kitchen for lunch. I follow, deep in thought until we finally make our way to the table.
There is a chorus of greetings from them all and I return them. We then sit down to eat, and I sit between Tony and Thor. I just pick at my food, not that hungry.
"So Percy, did Bruce check you out? Are you alright now?" Natasha asks and I nod and they smile.
"Hey, I was thinking we know very little about you, so can we ask you a few questions about your life?" Clint asks and I nod hesitantly. This would be interesting.
"Shoot." I say and bite into my sandwich. They decide to take it in turns, starting with Tony since he's my uncle.
"What's your favourite colour?" He asks and I answer immediately.
"Blue." Next is Natasha.
"Favourite past time?" She asks and I almost say spending time with my girlfriend. This causes me to internally wince at the memory. I sigh and get back to the question.
"Probably swimming." I say, "or training." They gape at me.
"Your as bad as Steve! Tony exclaims and it gets him a punch in the arm, which we all laugh at.
"Next question." I say and they continue. They ask the normal questions, obliviously avoiding the subject of my parents.
"Do you have a girl friend?" Clint asks, raising a suggestive eyebrow, and the smile that I had made its way on to my face drops and I look down at my now empty plate. Thor places a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I take a deep, shakes breath.
"She died." I say and Clint immediately starts apologising. I wave it away with a small smile.
"It's fine, really. It still hurts, but I don't mind. She deserves to be talked about not forgotten, just like the rest of my friends." I say.
"What was she like?" Tony asks quietly and I sigh and lean back in my chair with my eyes closed, picturing her.
"She was amazing. Blonde hair, grey eyes, beautiful, but she didn't know it. So smart you would think she was a daughter of Athena. We met when we were twelve and I've loved her ever since. She meant the whole of Olympus to me and I would give anything for it to have been me not her that died. She loved architecture and was so kind and loving. I was her seaweed brain and she was my wise girl, and she gave the most amazing underwater kisses ever known. I was going to propose one day, we had our future planned out. I know you think that it was just lust not love, but it wasn't. Not with her. We really did love each other and I will miss her forever." I said quietly, smiling at the memories. I open my eyes to see Thor wiping his eyes and j realise that I'm crying too. Hot, salty tears run down my face and I let out a shaky laugh and wipe at my eyes.
"I'm sorry." Tony says and I give him a watery smile.
"It's okay." And Tony pulls me into a hug. Thor is now full on sobbing and I roll my eyes at him a little.
"I'm sorry about lady Annabeth, young hero, she is still remembered on Asgard, and will be always." He says and my eyes widen. I kick him under the table and he yells and his own eyes widen.
"Uh... You know what i mean..." He says and the avengers look at him weirdly then just shake their heads. Then Bruce breaks the silence.
"Percy, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get those....things, I saw?" He asks and I tense up then sigh. Great, now he's piped their interests. I sigh.
"I just got into a few fights as a kid. It turns out there are a lot of monsters out there." I say looking down. Thor chuckles slightly.
"What things?" Natasha asks and i shoot Bruce a fierce glare. It must have been a bit too fierce because I see him visit flinch then look surprised. Oops.
"I just have a few scars." I say quietly to answer Natasha. I see Bruce about to point out my lie so I send him another glare and he flinches yet again and then decides against it.
"Oh." She says. I see the avengers all looking thoughtful and decide now is a good time to make my escape.
"I think I'm going to go to bed now. Night." I say and get up and head to my room. I go in get ready for bed and lie down. I put my head in the pillows, I know I'm going to get nightmares tonight because of all the memories brought up today. I miss Annabeth more than anything, and as nice it was to tell them about my wise girl, it brought back that sharp pain in my heart from loosing her. I begin to cry quietly which quickly turns into sobbing. I miss her smile and the way she used to correct me. I miss her warmth and her love. I miss Annabeth. Eventually, I cry myself to sleep and then the true torture begins.

Tony's POV:
I walked to Percy's room, planning on apologising if we upset him, but when I got close to the door. I heard something that broke my heart. I heard him sobbing. It was a deep, meaning full, pain filled cry, filled with awful, gut wrenching sorrow. I stepped back and decided to leave him in peace. I walked back to the kitchen and sat down. Clint notices my change in mood.
"What's up?" He asks.
"He's sobbing." I say quietly and put my head in my hands. The rest of them sigh.
"Oh my. I can't believe how much he's gone through." Natasha whispers and we all nod in agreement.
"I guess I can tell you now." Bruce says, "I couldn't say before because that kid has a dam scary glare, but he lied about the scars. He doesn't, have a few, he has thousands. They are everywhere and they look like they were done by knives, swords, arrows, burns. He looks like he's been in a war." He says and we gape at him.
"God. I hope he's okay." I say. I notice Thor is quiet so I look at him.
"It is his story to tell, not mine" he says and gets up and leaves. I stare in shock then shake my head.
"I'm going to bed." I say and follow after Thor.

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