Hey look, its chapter 2!

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A/N: still batman's fault. Sorry again for errors that are undoubtably there.

Percy's POV:
I was dreaming, that much I knew. I look around to see myself back in my cell in Tartarus and my breath starts to quicken. I am chained to the wall and I struggle against my shackles. Then he enters. He strides in with an evil smile on his face. He walks over to me and grips my face.
"I told you I would get to you." He says.
"Tartarus" I say and spit in his face. It doesn't even faze him and he just chuckles. He steps back and brings a knife out of the darkness.  I start to struggle again and go wide eyed as he approaches.
"Don't worry," he says, "I won't go too far today. But be sure to know that this is just the beginning." I gasp as he stabs the knife into my side. He pulls it out and I cry out in pain. My blood streams down my side and drips onto the floor.
Slowly he starts to trail the knife down my chest until I have three long and deep cuts running from my right shoulder to the bottom left of my stomach. I thrash and with the snap of his fingers the chains release me and I fall to the ground gasping as the wind is knocked out of me. Before I can crawl away I feel the intense burn of a whip being slashed at my bare back. I cry as he whips me again and again until all I can do is whimper.  Finally he stops and he leans down next to me and says, "this is just the beginning of the torture I will bring you."
I wake up drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. I look over myself and see fresh raw scars coat my body and I let out a small cry. I'm scared. The last remaining hero of Olympus is scared. I throw myself down onto the bed and sob into the pillow. That's how I spend the rest of the night. I was too scared to go back to sleep.
The next morning, with the guidance of Jarvis, I find my way to the kitchen. It's early, 5 in the morning to be exact. I'm used to getting up at this time for camp so that I could train before breakfast.
I'm surprised when I see Steve standing in the kitchen sipping on a glass of orange juice. I say a bleary good morning and walk over to the counter. He spins around in surprise and immediately relaxes when he see me. 
"Oh hello. Sorry. I didn't think anyone else got up at this time. I just get up as a force of habit from being in the army. Why are you up? You still look tired." He says. I look up a smile.
"I'm up for the same reason as you." I say.
"You were in the army?" He asks confused.
I smile and almost say yes. But instead I say, "no. I go to a camp every summer. I just got back when, well, you know." I trail of at the memories of camp, the war and then coming home.... Stop it! I mentally scold myself.
"Oh okay. What camp?" He asks.
"Just a one on Long Island. Nothing fancy. But I love it there. It's were people like me feel safe." I say as little as possible whilst staying truthful. He nods along and asks what I do there.
"Oh you know train. Fight monsters." I joke. A small, sad smile forms on my lips as I remember camp half blood. Steve lets out a laugh and I smile back.
"Say, does Tony have a gym?" I ask and Steve nods.
"Yeah," he replies, "I was just going down for a bit. Do you want to come?" I nod and he leads the way through the pent house. Finally we enter a huge room. There are weights and running machines. There is a training mat in the centre as well as a variety of weapons in a rack to the side. There are punching bags and lots of free space. I'm also delighted to see training dummies like the ones they have at camp. Although I doubt Tony would be very happy if I was to massacre his training dummies like I do to the ones at camp.
Steve starts towards the punching bags and I follow. He walks over to them and sets two up. He looks at me and smiles. "Show me what you got kid" he says and I smile. I get into the proper position and start to beat the hell out of the punching bag. At one point the chain above snaps and the bag goes flying. I'm not that surprised since it's happened before. In fact I'm surprised it hasn't happened earlier. I look over at Steve and see him with his mouth hanging open.
"Bloody hell kid. Where did you learn that? You are really strong!" He says surprised. I smile at him. And move towards the other apparatus.
"Camp, gym and experience" I say.
"Experience?" He questions and I tap the side of my nose.
"I have a lot of enemy's" I answer with a shrug.
We move on to the treadmills and despite him being a super soldier, I still out last him. Eventually we take a break.
"You any good in an actual fight?" He asks and i shrug. "Come on," he says, "I'll go easy on you" he stands and I follow. We walk into the training mat in the centre and stand opposite.
He asks if I'm ready and I nod. He comes at me with direct and on target punches. They are fast but I easily doge them all. He tries to punch my stomach but I catch his hand and flip him. He lands on the mat with a thud, but to his credit he gets up quickly. He is more cautious now. I see my opening as he makes a strong punch towards me. At the last second I back flip out of the way and land in a crouch where I quickly swipe his legs out from underneath him and lock his arms. I hold my arm to his throat to see him breathing heavily, where as I barely broke a sweat. I smile and let him up. He stands and stares at me then shakes his head.
"You are one very weird kid." He says and I chuckle. He has no idea.
Just then Jarvis' voice comes through. "Mr Stark would like to inform you that breakfast is ready." Steve nods and leads me out. I keep track of the path we take so that I know how to get back to the gym.
We reach the kitchen and see the rest of the avengers sitting at the table eating. We walk in and sit down, I sit with Tony on my right and Steve on my left. We start to eat and chat idly.
"So where were you two?" Tony asks, directing the question at myself and Steve.
"The gym" I answer and continue eating. Tony nods.
"You have yourself a freaky nephew there Stark." Steve says with a smile.
"What do you mean?" Natasha asks.
"He beat me. On the treadmill and in a fight." Steve says.
"No way!" Clint says looking shocked. "First he beats me at Xbox and now cap at fighting!" I laugh and the others laugh too.
"I just learned, I guess, over time." I say then look down when I remember where all that fighting got me. And the memory of the nightmare remains in the back of my mind.
"Well maybe you can show the rest of us what you got later on." Bruce says. I just shrug and look down, suddenly less enthusiastic.
"Oh hey, before we do that, do you have a pool?" I ask Tony and he nods and agrees to show my it after breakfast. I look up and see Thor looking at me. It was a 'need to talk' look and I give him a slight nod and let out a sigh.
After breakfast, Tony does as he says and shows me the pool. It's huge and very deep and I immediately feel strengthened from just being near it.
"Hey kid, want to take a dip?" Tony asks with a grin.
"I don't have a swimsuit-" I start to say but in a second Tony has picked me up and chucked me into the pool. I let the water soothe my scars and heal any ones that were still open. I take a deep breath and sink to the bottom. Then I remember Tony and rush to the surface. I emerge to see a panicked Tony Stark. I laugh at his expression and he stares at me like I'm crazy.
"You scared the hell out of me kid! I thought you couldn't swim and that I'd drowned you! You were down there for like 5 minutes! I was ready to jump in there and save you!" Tony yells. It just make me laugh harder. He scowls at me then I get an idea. I focus Tony's attention on me by splashing about. I have a giddy smile on my face.  I feel the familia tug in my stomach and I command the water the pull Tony in. It does just as I ask as quick as a flash so I'm pretty sure he didn't notice. He falls straight into the water and I fall into hysterics. He emerges from the water looking confused and wet. I can't stop laughing at his expression. He swims over to me and tries to dunk me under but fails miserably and I quickly achieve doing to him what he intended to do to me. Finally we both swim to the side with giddy smiles on our faces.
"What even happened?" Tony asks with a huge smile on his face. I shrug.
"I think you slipped. All that matters was it was so hilarious that Poseidon would be proud!" I say but my laughter dies down as I think about my dad. Tony notices and splashes me. I grin evilly at him and with a small amount of my power, I splash him back. This goes on for some time, until the rest of the avengers come in to see what was going on. They all burst out laughing at the sight of the both of us, still fully clothed, clowning around in the pool.
A second later Natasha finds her self being pushed in to join us by Clint, and in turn him being pulled in by her. Thor and Bruce shrug at each other and jump in - although Thor does snap his fingers to remove most of his armour.
We all splash each other and, messing around with my new family and in my element, I find myself smiling and enjoying myself. But for a demigod these feelings never last.
I gasp as the water around me that once seemed so reassuring, suddenly feels like it's turned to acid. I swim to the side gasping for breath. The others follow me and ask if I'm okay, I just shake my head. I try to pull myself out the pool, but my arms are shaking so badly with pain, that I just fall back into the pool. Tony sees what I'm trying to do and helps my out. In a second he is by my side and asking what's wrong. I gasp and try to catch my breath. I'm lying on the pool side but I don't have the energy to move. That's when I hear the voice, and I know it's Kronos's, but it's in my head.
"Just to show you that I can get you always, even in your fathers domain." It whispered then it was gone, and with it went the lingering pain. I gasped and slumped back on the ground it relief. At some point, Bruce had come over to help.
"Percy! Can you hear me? What happened? Are you okay?" Tony asks panicked.
"I-I'm ok-okay." I rasp out. Bruce looks relieved that I'm talking and Tony just looks am flat out relieved.
I slowly sit up and take deep breaths.
"What happened?" Bruce asks and I try to think of an appropriate lie. I stutter and curse myself for not being able to think on the spot.
"Umm.... I don't know. It just got really hard to breathe." I say. It's bad but I can't think of anything else while Tartarus's words are still circling round my head.
"Do you have any history of asthma?" Bruce asks and I shake my head. He sighs and looks confused.
"It might be worth getting you a check up in my lab." He says and I freeze. Nope. Not happening. It's not that I'm afraid of doctors or anything, but left over from the war and recent monster and Tartarus activity, I have loads of scars covering my body, like it was a canvas for monsters to paint on. I start to shake my head.
"No, really I'm fin-" but Tony cuts me off.
"Come on kid, are you scared of doctors, Bruce here is great. Please, it will set my mind at ease." He says and I sigh. I hate this. I can't but I also can't let Tony worry about me.
"Whatever." I sigh and Tony smiles.
"Come on, no need to be scared!" He says as he helps me to my feet.
"At least he isn't Tartarus" I mummer. Tony hears me and shoots me a strange look but I just avoid his eyes and we make our way to Bruce's lab.

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