Chapter 11, yay.....

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AN: I'm super sorry I haven't updated in ages. I had exams and all that fun stuff, as batman well knows. I will try to update once a week now, but remember I have no plans for the story line so any ideas are appreciated. This chapter I've added in an idea so we shall see the reaction. Do you want slash???
Batman thanks you all for the support but I still ask that you blame him. 3k reads! Yay! Anyways... Enjoy!

Percy's POV:
The next morning dawned irritatingly brightly. Although yesterday's training was fun and interesting, it had brought up a lot of memories of past fights. As a result my sleep was plagued by an endless stream of nightmares.
It's 6:28 am but I'm sure I won't be getting anymore sleep than the meagre 2 and a half hours I managed.
I shuffle into the communal kitchen in search of coffee.
I'm so out of it I don't even notice the billionaire sitting at the island sipping at his own cup of caffeine. That is until he says something.
I spin round, simultaneously drawing and uncapping riptide, to hold at the neck of the 'intruder'. Tony's eyes are wide and he has his hands up in a universal sign for peace. I sheepishly lower my sword and retract it, as Tony gently pushes me to sit down at one of the island chairs.
Tony looks at me with a face filled with concern, and gets up to go retrieve my forgotten coffee.
"Now don't take this the wrong way kid, but you look like death." He says matter of factly. I let out a slightly hoarse laugh.
"I think Thanos would take offence from that." Tony just laughs and shakes his head slightly.
"Seriously though kid. Are you okay?" Tony says and my heart warms at the care. I nod and give a reassuring smile. He immediately perked up and had that scary inventors look in his eye.
"Hey, guess what? When the others get up we have a surprise for you." He says and I remain slightly wary.

It takes another few hours for the others to be up and about. Jarvis informs us all that Thor has been called up to Asgard for some urgent meeting, and Tony, being the impatient, 3-year-old-stuck-in-an-adults-body, couldn't wait for the God to unveil the surprise.
Soon I have a blindfold wrapped around my eyes and am being guided to some unknown location.
When the blindfold was finally removed I was stood in front of my 'surprise'. It was an outfit, but a spectacular one at that. It was clearly based of off ancient Greek armour, with a celestial bronze chest plate, shoulder plates, a pair of strong leather boots, and a pair of strong pants that looked to have enforced armour sewn in. There was also a mask that covered the top part of my face. The whole outfit was bronze, green and silver. There were wave designs across it as well as the chest plate designed to be covered in marks that looked like scars. My scars. I don't know how Tony go a hold of celestial bronze, nor how he knew how to decorate it, but i was too amazed to voice my questions just yet. And to top it all there is a midnight black cloak, with a stunning interior lining of sea green. I turned to the avengers and thanked them profusely. As Tony replied I fingered the cloak, only to see a symbol that radiated power sewn into it. It took me a few seconds to recognise it.
"Well we couldn't let the newest avenger go out without protection. However, we didn't do it kid, although I admit to adding my own elements." Tony said, then it clicked how I knew the symbol. Chaos.
"The work would be mine." A deep voice said. I spun around and immediately dropped to one knee. I know, Percy Jackson bowing?, but this is Chaos the created of the universe! Who wouldn't bow?
"Thank you Lord Chaos." I said with my head bowed. I felt a calloused hand gently pull me to my feet.
"No. No bowing. If anything I should bow to you young hero." He said and I saw only truth in the eyes that looked like the universe. I nodded and quickly explained to the avengers who Chaos was.
"Now on to the gift. I wish to bless you." He said and I immediately nodded. He smiled a grandfatherly smile at me and pushed a dark ball of power into my chest. It hurt but also felt kind of comforting.
"You know have some destructive power, can shadow travel, and have power over darkness. You can speak any language in any universe, and that includes to animals."
He then moved to the armour. He snapped his fingers and suddenly my sweats and T-shirt were replace with the armour.
"Everything hold protective magic, as well as having a few hidden weapons. The armour is enchanted to add scars as you get them, as well as the hood on the cloak being enchanted so that it clouds all but mouth from view as well as only being able to be removed by yourself." He said with a smile. He then explained that he had to leave but he would watch my progress. He wished us good luck then teleported away. I just turned to the avengers, stunned. I was about to speak when a crash came from the other room. We all rushed out, ready for a threat, but all we saw was Thor with along with another man in regal clothing - an Asgardian clearly. We dropped out guards although most of the avengers looked wary of the other man. The other man was tall, with long black hair and a thin face. He was pale but still looked healthy.
"Don't worry. Loki has had his powers removed and has been sentenced to the remainder of his punishment on Midgard, staying with us." Thor said unhappily. The rest of the avengers grumbled.
I wasn't really paying attention anymore. My eyes were looked on to the eyes of 'Loki'. Two pairs of broken eyes, both full of regret, met; and all else fell away.

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