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"I don't care Terrance! I don't want my daughter around this bullshit" my baby mama Larielle screamed at me.
"So you just gon take her and leave?" I asked watching her pack her bags.
"Yep. And don't try and make me feel guilty either. Me and my daughter will not be fearing for our lives just cause you wanna run the streets and build an empire"
"But I'm doing this for y'all. I want us to be financially set."
She glared at me.
"You don't fuckin get it and you probably never will. I'm leaving Oakland and if she wants to come around you when she's older then that's fine but right now she's not gonna be around you or this gang shit"
She grabbed her and the baby's bags taking them to the car, leaving me with the baby for a bit.
I walked over and crouched in front of her taking hold of her tiny hands and sighed.
"I'll probably never see you again Ana but I want you to know I love you with everything in me. Your mother doesn't understand that I'm doing this for you." She nodded as if she understood everything I was saying. I smiled and kissed her forehead before her mother came and picked up get carseat with her in it.
She glanced at me one final time before walking out the door for good.

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