16. Revelations

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When I got into my hotel room after everything that had happened at the club every emotion I've ever felt toward Anastasia started to take over my body: jealousy, hate, anger, betrayal, all that shit. I was there when she didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

We were both dealing with some of the same things so it felt good to have someone know and understand what I was going through at home.

I wasn't always a manipulative, vindictive person but it's like, when Ana turned her back on me that other part of me came out. I'd always try to keep that part hidden ever since what happened when I was younger.

I was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder at the age of five when I took on a range of personalities to escape the trauma, such as Sandy, an 18 year old depressed binge eater, and Jensen, an 11-year-old black boy.

I had been abused by my father and grandfather during my childhood, starting with physical assaults by my dad when I was just a baby.

Two-year-old Karen Boo took over when I was attacked as an infant, while seven-year-old Claire was created after I was sexually abused on Communion Day at church.

But Kristina came after giving birth by caesarian section, at the age of 15, and she was the most dangerous out of all my personalities. Kristina was like the devil's personal clubhouse inside my body and whenever Kristina came out she wouldn't go back until she'd done what she needed to do.

I gave the baby away because I, nor my family, did not have the means to take care of her. One weekend during spring break my father and grandfather decided to take a trip to a Las Vegas casino.

My mind was somewhere else when I decided to hide in the trunk of the car the whole way there. I didn't know what I was doing but there was something, or maybe someone, inside me saying "do it, do it"

Suddenly, I turned on the flash from my phone and saw it. A shiny black pistol hidden in the crevices of the trunk. I grabbed it and put it in my back pocket. I realized I wasn't myself anymore. I was Kristina.

My dad stopped the car to take a pee break and get some gas and I knew it was my time to strike. I kicked the back of the trunk a few times until the backseat fell and climbed out of the trunk before getting out of the car. My grandfather was dead asleep in the front seat and as I looked around I saw that there were no cars and no people here besides the man working inside.

It was like a wave came over me when I saw him walk out of the gas station. He was obviously drunk as he stumbled over to gas pump mumbling something under his breath. I slowly crept behind him and put the pistol to the back of his head and fired without warning. I walked over to the passenger side where my grandfather looked terrified.

"Missy, don't let devil use you child. Think about what you're doing" he said with his hands up and I laughed.

"Fuck you gramps. You shoulda thought of that before you let the devil use you to rape me all of those years" I said to him wiping my tears. I didn't even know why I was crying.

"I'm sorry don't do this!"

"I'll see you in hell gramps" I said before firing two shots into his head"

The man inside of store came out screaming that he'd call the police and I shrugged before shooting him too.

I ran inside the store and took the tape from the video camera.

I shot myself in the arm and shoulder before disassembling the gun and throwing into as well as the tape into the compacter.

I called the police and told them that someone came and shot me and family and the paramedics arrived and took me to the hospital.

When I came back to myself I was exhausted. I did knew where I'd been or what I'd done, so I had to look for clues, like the blood in the car or leftovers from the fast food restaurant they had stopped at. It was crazy, but I accepted it.

Ever since then I'd tried to act normal and keep all of them at bay and when I met Anastasia I felt a sense of normalcy. But when she ditched me for Jordan and all her other "friends" Kristina didn't like it or the feeling it left on her.

She was the one trying to seduce Jordan, she was the one who confronted Ana and her friends and she was the one who shot up that party. Not me. But who's gonna believe that shit?












I hopped into the back of the ambulance with Cameron as the EMT's worked on him as best as they could on the ride there. He had been shot twice in the chest and once in the stomach. My hands and clothes were bloodstained from cradling his body in my lap before the paramedics arrived.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked one of EMT's.

"It's unlikely. He's lost a lot of blood" he responded and my heart dropped. This was my brother. My only sibling. The only family I would have left after my father died. I shook my head in disappointment.

"This is all my fault" I mumbled to myself. "I'm sorry Cam. I'm so sorry"

We arrived at the hospital and the medics rushed him into the hospital on a gurney as I slowly trailed behind them.

"Ana!" Jeremiah screamed from the other side of the hospital. "She over here y'all" he said before running over to me followed by everybody else including the twins. Ahmad came over and kissed my cheek before rubbing my back.

"Wassup what happened?"

"I don't know, I guess they're about to try and stabilize him"

"Him a guh be okay?" Johan asked.

"I really don't know. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst right now" I said as I tried to hold in my tears.

"Everything a guh be fine yuh nuh ave to worry" Ahmad said to me and I leaned into his chest and cried softly.

Everyone sat down and it was quiet as we waited for someone to come out and tell us something. Anything.


"Family of Cameron Taylor?" a female doctor said as she looked around. I stood and walked over to her.

"Is he okay?"

She looked down at her clipboard somberly before looking back up at me and I knew that meant bad news.

"One of the bullets pierced his right lung and another was lodged in his large intestine. We did all we could but he unfortunately succumbed to his injuries. I'm so sorry" she said with sincerity in her voice.

I couldn't even speak. My heart was lodged in my throat.

"Stasi, you aight?" I heard someone say but everything was a blur. My breathing became shallow and I couldn't keep my balance. I fell to the floor before everything went black.

Did y'all miss me? lol. Don't worry school is starting soon and ill be updating more often

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