Moving in

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We arrived at Jack's house, it was huge. He must be a rich boy, I get out & get my suitcase from the back. Jack helps me, we walk to the front door & open it. I swear the inside is bigger than the outside! It was beautiful.

"Woah" I said, realizing I actually said that out loud. Jack looks at me & Smiles..

"Nice huh?" He said, smirking at me.

"Yeah whatever, i don't care how nice it is i don't wanna be here." I said snapping at him.

"Ouch" he said putting his hand on his chest. Why is he acting like this? Oh well, I don't care.

"Where am I staying?" I said, setting my stuff down on the ground while Jack walked into another room, which looks like the kitchen.

"I have no more spare rooms, I'm renting all of them out, your gonna have to share a room with me." He yelled , so I could hear him.

"What?!" I said shocked that I just heard that, I just met this dude & I have to share a room with him? No way.

Jack walked back into the living room sipping a glass of water, "Are you okay with that?" Jack said raising his eyebrows.

"Dude, not being rude or anything, but I literally just met you." I said , not wanting to straight up deny his offer. I don't know how he acts, so I don't wanna be snappy just yet.

He let out a sigh & rolled his eyes. "Look, if you want a good nights sleep, my rooms the only place to get it, alot of stuff goes on in the living room at night, the people I rent rooms out to are my some of my bestfriends, & we have little parties down here at night."

Great, now I Really don't wanna be here. "Okay fine, where's your room?"

Jack grabbed my stuff, "follow me"

I followed Jack upstairs & he opened the door to his room, its all white. Except for the flat screen TV & the dresser. He took my stuff to a walk in closet that is bare.

"You can put all your stuff in here for awhile, till we actually figure out what we're gonna do with you" he said, & winked at me. Are you kidding me? This dude is flirting with me when he is basically taking my life away from me. What the hell? I just rolled my eyes.

Jack sighed, probably cause he didn't get anything from me when he winked at me. "Just get all set up & when your done & ready to come down, I'll let you meet the people I'm renting my rooms out too." He said walking towards the door.

"Okay, I will." I said nicely, what the point In even being rude? Its not like its gonna get me home any faster. I wonder if they'll ever let me go home.

I get finished putting everything up & walk downstairs to see a bunch of dudes sitting on the couch, one of them was smoking pot, I could smell it. I haven't smoked pot since rehab, but that's another story for another day. I walk to where Jack is sitting & sit next to him.

"Guys, this is Megan, Megan, this is Shawn, Cameron, Nash, & Nate"

"Hi.." I said shyly, I hate meeting new people.

"Hey" they all said in unison. Nate was the one smoking Pot...

"Okay, so I'm going in the kitchen to order some pizza for dinner, make small talk while I'm gone." He said walking to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you." Shawn spoke up.

"Yeah carter is a fucking asshole" Nate Joined in

"Thank you guys, means alot" I said, trying not to think about it, cause I'll just cry.

"Do you know how long you'll be staying here?" Cameron asked.

"I honestly don't, but all I know is I really wanna go home & will do anything to get back home." I said my voice cracking, I hate when that happens, I'm so weak.

"Sorry" Cam said

"No its cool." I said & put a fake smile on my face

"Where are you staying? The living room gets crazy at night." He said with a smirk across his face.

"I'm staying in Jack's room" I said looking at the floor. They all looked at each other & bursted into laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked, a little annoyed.

"Jack is gonna try & put the moves on you." Shawn said laughing mid sentence.

"No he won't, I won't let him." I said defending myself.

"Whatever you say." Nash said laughing, he seems sketchy to me, I'm gonna keep my distance from him.. There's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!!" I heard Jack say running to the door. He opened it, & when I saw who it was, I thought I was dreaming.

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