Matt's What???

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The past few days have been a mess, I haven't left the house & I'm keeping a close eye on Jack. He has to go to a counselor once every week. Today he isn't feeling so good, so I'm gonna have to call & cancel that today. I'm out by the pool cause I need a little relaxation when the doorbell rings.

"Uhhgg." I groaned getting up & putting on a long black T-shirt on over my bikini, I walked to the door & opened it.

"Sammy? Hi." I said confused, he knows Jack isn't well. There is no way they have a studio session. "Jacks sick."

"Yeah I know, I'm here for you." He said walking into the house. I shut the door behind him.

"Oh, well whatsup?"

"Nothing really, I know you've got alot on your hands with Jack being sick and all an-" My phone started ringing. I pulled it out & saw it was the counselor calling.

"Sorry Sam, I have to take this real quick."

"Nah, its cool, take your time." He said shoving his hands in his hoodie's pockets.

"Hi Mrs. Lorraine, will Mr. Gilinsky be coming to his counseling session today?"

"No, he is really sick today, is it okay if we skip this week?" I said scratching my neck.

"Why sure, tell him I hope he feels better! Bye bye."

"Bye." I hung up and walked back to where Sammy was.

"Sorry, anyways." I said trailing off so he would finish.

"Anyways, I figured you needed a day & I was wondering if you just wanted to hangout?" He said running his hands through his hair. He seemed really nervous, which was weird.

"Well, I was out by the pool till you came, so do you wanna have a pool day?" I asked gesturing to my long black T-shirt.

"Sure, I'll go get my stuff, I'll be back!" He said like a superhero which was really funny.

"Okay bye!" I laughed & closed the door behind him. I heard Jack call from upstairs.

"Baby? Who was that?" He shouted

"It was Sammy, he wants to hangout." I semi yelled back. I walked to the end of the stairs so he could hear me better.

"But, I'm sick." He said Confused.

"I know, he wants to hangout with me." I said waiting for his reaction.

"Oh, okay, are the other boys here?"

"Yeah, I think they are all still sleeping though love." He loves it when I call him that. There was no reply back so I walked away & sat on the couch. Then a door from the hallway opened, probably one of the boys.

"Maannn, whatsup with all the yelling?" It was Nate, & wow his raspy morning voice was VERY ATTRACTIVE.

"Sorry, I was talking to Jack from down here."
"You could've walked upstairs I'm so sleepy." He yawned

"i said Sorry go-" my phone rang

"What is up with all these phone calls?" I groaned answering.

"Hi, is this Megan Lorraine?"
"We have called to inform you that a friend of yours by the name Matthew Espinoza has been missing for a week now"
"I'm so sorry ma'am..." I hung up & just stared at nothing.

"Are you okay?" Nate asked eyeballing my look. I just ran upstairs & burst into Jacks room, jumped on the bed & hugged him, & started crying.

Jack shot up "Oh my god babygirl, what's wrong?"

"It's Matt, he's been missing for a week, & I didn't even know!" I cried into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my back & held tight.
"Oh my god, Shhhh, shhh, he'll be okay." He tried to comfort me but it just wasn't working.
" I have to go find him." I got out of his grasp & ran around the room looking for anything I needed before I had to head out.
"Baby, stop. Calm down." He said getting up & chasing after me.
"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! ARE YOU SERIOUS JACK?!!? MY BESTFRIEND WHO IS LIKE A BROTHER TO ME IS MISSING, THERE IS NO CALMING DOWN." I screamed & ran downstairs. He grabbed my arm before I could leave.
"At least let me take you, you can't be driving like this." He said with those sorrowful eyes that could kill a man.
"Okay just hurry up." I cried. I walked out of the house & Sammy was standing there.
"Hey Me- oh my god are you okay? What happened?"
"Sammy, I can't talk right now, I'll tell you what's going on later, I'm so sorry, JACK HURRY UP." Shit, I forgot I literally just made plans with Sam. He isn't what's important, what's important right now is finding Matt, the only person I could call a brother.

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