21: Humans And Supernatural Creatures Fight To The Death (Not Really)

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If it wasn't for Chris always carrying weapons in his vehicle, he and his friends would be even more fucked than they were in the first place. Chris had always been a bit paranoid of some sort of creature-based invasion, so to make sure that he would at least have a chance of surviving if something like that happened suddenly, he packed his trunk with a bunch of weapons that were extremely harmful to almost every type of creature living in the forest.

Chris rushed to open his car's trunk, quickly grabbing weapons for himself and his friends.

"Do any of us even have a strategy?" Angelo asked.

"My guess is no," Chris sighed. "Looks like we're gonna have to do this Guerrilla style. Just, at least try to take out the tougher ones first, so that it'll be easier for us to get to Ghost in the end of it."

The other three simply nodded in response, taking their previous places in front of the woods.

"Alright, guys, we'll give you one more chance to hand over Ghost," Chris yelled to them all. "But if you refuse, which you more than likely will, we'll have no choice but to go along with the attack."

"Oh, please," Kuza said, rolling his eyes. "Do you really think we're afraid of you four? Because we aren't. There are dozens of us, and only four of you. If anyone here should be afraid, it's you."

"Well, we aren't," Chris responded.

"Uh, I kind of am," Balz replied quietly.

"Me too," Angelo added.

"Come on, guys, we've gone against Ghost before," Chris exhaled.

"Yeah, that was just Ghost," Balz pointed out. "Now we're up against an entire forest of the supernatural, with magic powers and all. Are you just gonna act like you're not scared at all? Come on, I'll bet that even Ryan's a bit scared right now, and he's the most fearless out of all of us."

"He's right, Chris," Ryan said. "We're all afraid to some extent. There's no need to pretend that you aren't for us."

"But I'm not," Chris replied.

"That's bullshit, and you know it," Balz snickered.

"Come on, guys, do something while they're distracted," Kuza urged his troops. "Just remember, our goal isn't to kill them. We're just trying to convince them to let Ghost stay with Ricky."

Some of the witches closer to the back of the woods fired electricity from their staffs, striking each of the four at different strengths. Of course, Chris was stricken with the strongest electric current, and Angelo was stricken with the weakest.

The four of them were more or less dazed after that first attack, and Balz had dropped his weapon.

The pixies already had their trap set up in the rear area of the temporary battlefield, in a place where the humans- well, the humans other than Ricky- couldn't see it. Kuza then handed out some amateur weaponry to the creatures near the front of the mob, as a way of signalling that it was time to get the four's attention again.

"A slingshot? Really? That's all I get?" Alan complained.

"Hey, Ricky made me promise that his friends wouldn't get killed," Kuza responded. "And knowing you, if I gave you anything different, they'd probably be dead already."

Once Kuza had everyone armed, he signaled for the sirens to begin serenading the humans. He had already supplied Ricky with some earplugs to ensure that he wouldn't be affected by the sirens' magic, so they were ready to go along with their slightly revised plan.

The creatures of the woods began their minor attack on the humans. The centaurs, who were positioned in the middle of the group, began to charge to the front of the group, arrows drawn to their bows. The sound of their hooves hitting the ground was enough to shake the four humans out of their daze. One the centaurs came to a halt, and shot his first arrow, a burning fire forming at its tip. The other centaurs followed his lead, shooting the flaming arrows at the humans, the flames lightly scorching the four of them.

Chris drew a non-magical, but still quite powerful arrow to his own bow, about to shoot at one of the centaurs. However, by the time Chris was ready to shoot, the sirens' voices were already at work, causing the four humans to begin to fall into a trance.

The creatures cleared a path once the four of them were clearly under the sirens' spell, and one of the necromancers near the middle of the group used his magic to drag them into the trap that the pixies had set.

"See, Rick, they're alive," Kuza told him. "No harm done. Just like you wanted."

"Well, actually, they do have some scratches and bruises, but that's nothing that won't heal," Devin chuckled, putting his translucent arm around Ricky.

"Uh, when will the trance thingy wear off?" Ricky inquired.

"Probably in, like, twenty minutes, maybe?" Kuza replied. "It all depends on when the sirens stop singing. They stopped once these four were locked in the cage, so I would guess it'll wear off within the next half hour."

"So, um, what exactly will we do with them once the trance wears off and we let them out of the cage?" Ricky asked.

"Uh, yeah, you see, about that," Kuza chuckled nervously. "We don't exactly know yet. I mean, obviously we're gonna set them free, but we'll probably have to wipe their memory a bit before we do so, just to ensure our safety in these woods. And, of course, we'll have to prove to them that we're not as reckless and murderous as they think."

A group of imps flew above the three of them, gripping the cage in their claws. They picked it up, along with the four men inside, and began to take it to Kuza's home, where the wiping of their memories would take place.

"Um, how much of their memory are you going to wipe, exactly?" Ricky asked.

"Just a bit," Kuza responded. "Only their plans to capture and banish Ghost, and this whole miniature battle thing."

"Wait, shouldn't we wait until they're out of the cage to wipe their memories?" Devin questioned. "Wouldn't that make more sense?"

"Nah," Kuza said, shaking his head. "The cage can't injure them. The battle though, that easily could've if we actually intended to really hurt them. We really only need to get rid of the memories that would make them think that we actually are as awful as they think we are. We're trying to convince them that we're not the people- well, creatures they believe we are."

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