It's finally time!

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Aden POV

Today it was our wedding anniversary and I was very exited.

Why? I was not sure, I had been cooking for less than a hour now, for tonight dinner. However it was maybe because of Dimitri? He had been in a very good mood recently. And when I asked him why, he never gave me a real explanation.

Anyways, as a present for him, there was my dinner, but also a little something that I bought last week.

I smiled to myself as I thought of it. I hope it would help Dimitri to relax, he had been pretty stressed up these days.

I was putting the plates on the table as my husband came back home.

He hugged me from behind and started to kiss my neck. I tilted my head to the side and slightly moaned.

'W-welcome back, master...'

'I'm back and I see that you made us a sumptuous dinner.' he said before giving me a chaste kiss on the lips.

'Yes, it's our marriage anniversary after all.' I smiled and give back another kiss. 'I bet you're hungry.'

'You know me so well, let's eat.' he smiled too and help me sit down before doing it himself. 'It smells amazing, but first, how about a toast?' he rise the glass of champagne.

I do the same we say cheers to our anniversary in the same time. After taking a sip of the champagne, we both started to eat and talk about everything.

When We finished our meal and I was in the kitchen to prepare the dessert. I made some tiramisu in cups. As I was taking it outside, I knew something was weird. Dimitri was all nervous and didn't seem like himself.

'What's the matter?' I asked nervous as I placed the cake in front of him.

'Aden...' As soon as he said my name, I knew he was serious. 'I have something to ask you.' he took out an envelope and hand it to me.

I started to tremble fearing the worse. Was that a divorce letter? Only thinking about that made my eyes wet, but Dimitri said nothing about it and just waited for me to open it.

I slowly tore the piece of paper not wanting to know what it was containing. I took a deep breath as I had a document in my hands. I started to read and the first word on the document: Adoption.

This time my tears fall freely, but it was tears of joy. I couldn't believe Dimitri, master, finally accepted to have a family with me.

I felt a hand around the back of my neck and I knew it was him.

'Thank you so much master!' I exclaimed as I stood up and basically jumped on him. I kissed all his face as I didn't stop to say thank you.

'I'm so happy to see you beaming like that, pet.' he laughed as I continued to cover him with kisses.

His laugh was magical, I thought I would kill to hear him laugh.

'Master, I'm so happy that you accepted to have a family with me.' I finally said.

'Yes, I thought it was time that we had a family together. When I saw you with your parents and their new child, I knew you... We were ready.' he explained and kissed me passionately. 'But for now, playroom.' he ordered as his eyes darkened.

As soon as I heard that, I flew to the playroom and undressed at the same time letting a trail of clothes behind me. When I got into the room, I kneeled in the centre of the room and snapped my arms behind my back and spread my legs. 

And waited.

'Pet, you don't even imagine how I'm going to spoil you tonight. You won't be able to walk for at least a few days.' he whispered next to my ear.

And because of that I couldn't leave any room and don't even think the house without Master helping me.

He is the love of my life, my husband, my master and a soon to be father!

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