A Perfect Wedding

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Dimitri POV

Soon, soon enough he would be mine, completely mine. My love, my heart, my angel, my pet, my Aden. Nobody would be able to take him away, we would be bound together until death took one of us away.

I was impatiently waiting alone in a room in my black tuxedo. We couldn't see each other since yesterday night. I looked at the clock and I groaned when there was still one hour left before the ceremony.

Then the door opened and Aden's parents went in. We were in great terms, I didn't know what happened, but it when we met each other for the first time, the immediately loved me.

'Dimitri dear, you are so handsome in your clothing today! It changed so much from all the leather clothing!' Aden's mother exclaimed with a big smile while opening her arms and waited for me for a hug.

'Thank you very much, but I don't wear leather this much do I?' I asked back smiling after hugging each other.

'Yes you do, each time we come to visit, your friends and you are always in leather. I wonder what's so great in it... Maybe I should try it...' she started to go in her own world mumbling things to herself.

It wasn't surprising since she always do that, so Aden's father and I looked at her with a small smile before creating each other with a handshake.

'Dimitri, how have you been doing?' he asked with a smile.

'Never been so happy and impatient.'

'Mmmm, that's normal, but remember if you hurt Aden, be warned you won't get out of this alive.' he warned while giving me a glare.

'Of course, don't worry I'll take care of him.'

'You better.' he said and looked at the clock. 'It's time for us to go, it'll be starting in less than ten minutes. Honey, let's go, it's time.' he said softly and slightly pushed the still talking women outside of the room.

I took deep breaths and tried to calm down. All the years trying to control myself were all for nothing because each time something involves Aden, I lose all control.

Then someone knocked at my door and I went to open it. There was the priest, and he asked me if I was ready. Of course, I nodded and followed him toward the room where the ceremony would take place.


Aden POV

I was sweating like a waterfall, my parents came ten minutes ago and I couldn't stop glaring at the clock. Since when thirty minutes was so long?!

I only wanted to see my man again. Yesterday was the longest night of my life. I couldn't sleep and was always thinking of Dimitri.

I wondered what he was doing now? Was he also stressed? Impatient? Was he missing me?

Yes, of course, he loves you! We were going to get married! If only the clock wanted to go faster!

I decided to go to the bathroom to refresh myself. I needed to get all this sweat go. I took a towel and put it under the cold water. I let it soak and then slightly rubbed my face. I sighed, it felt so good.

I hope I don't stink... After all, I sweated a lot. Should I take a shower again? No, I shouldn't, I didn't have time... So my hair was it okay? Should I call the stylist again?

I knock on the door made me snap out of my worries.

'Come in!' I shouted from the bathroom while looked at my reflection one last time before walking toward the door.

'My little one, are you ready?' asked my mother.

'Yeah, I am.' I answered while looking at the clock. 'Time to go?'

'Time to go! Come, your father is waiting for you. Well, everyone is waiting for you...' she took my hand and started to walk while talking to herself again.

I sighted and just smiled when I thought of my master in his suit.

Oh yeah, the night after he asked me in marriage, he collared me! Yup, I would be going to wear the collar at all time at home and at the club. It was the best week of my life.

I didn't even noticed that I was in front of my father daydreaming until he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

'Y-yeah dad?'

'Ready?' he asked while raising his arm for me to take.

'Yes, I am.' I took a final deep breath and take the arm of my father.

We started to walk like when we practiced in the beat of the music. My eyes immediately locked on Dimitri. He was so handsome in his black and white suit.

We wanted to go a bit traditional, so I was in white and Dimitri in black.

I let go of my father arm and walked next to my soon to be husband. We looked into each other eyes before turning ourselves to the priest.

When the room was all in silence, the priest opened the Bible and started to read the text.

'We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this

commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lovers, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy.

Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times and be

loving and unselfish. Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?'

'We do.' Dimitri and I answered.

'Do you pledge to share your love and the joys of your marriage with all those around you, so that they may learn from your love and be

encouraged to grow in their own lives?'

'We do.'

'May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other. Dimitri, please repeat after me ...'

'I Dimitri, promise to love and support you Aden and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this

ring I thee wed.' repeated Dimitri and he took my hand then the ring to slowly put it on my finger.

I fought my tears and only smiled.

'Aden, please repeat after me...' said the priest after the ring was on my finger.

'I Aden, promise to love and support you Dimitri and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this

ring I thee wed.' I repeated and this time, I took Dimitri hand then the ring and inserted it on his finger.

'Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have- the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the husband.' ended the priest and closed the Bible.

Slowly, Dimitri approached me and put his hand on my cheek. He then approached his face to give me the kiss that would seal our marriage.

When his lips touched mine, my tears roamed free and I couldn't stop them anymore.

When we broke the kiss, he gently rubbed his finger on my tears to make it disappear and the room exploded in clapping.

We turned ourselves toward the crowd hand in hand.

We were now married. And I couldn't ask for anything better.

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