10 year later

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'Do you need any help honey?' asked my mom.

'Thanks mom. Can you help me with the cake?' I thanked her as I hand her the flour, eggs and sugar.

'I can't believe Jessica will be 4 year old today. It seems like it was only yesterday that Dimitri and you brought her home.' she said with a smile as she started to beat the eggs.

'I know... How about my little brother? He's 11 years old this year?'

'Yes.' She sighed. 'Unlike you, he's a little monster and can't stay calm for more than 30 seconds.'

'I hope he don't find it too weird to have a brother 20 years older than him.' I said nervous.

'Don't worry, he like you a lot. He couldn't sleep last so much he was exited to come see you. To be honest, I think your dad is a bit jealous.' she chuckled.

At the same moment, the doorbell rang.

'Dimitri?!' I shouted. 'Can you open the door? Our guests are here!'

'Yeah!' he answered as he appeared with our daughter in his arms. 'Look your aunts and uncles are here, you want to open the door for them?' he talked to our daughter as if she could understand him.

She yelped in answer and started to squirm around. So my husband put her down and as soon as her little feet touch the ground she tried to run toward the door.

As if she forgot she wasn't tall enough to turn the door knob, she turned around and smacked the door with her little hands. Soon after, Dimitri help her to open it and our house was getting smaller and smaller.

I talked with everyone as I made the food and sometimes I glanced at my husband who was talking and playing with the children.

Seriously if one day you would have said that Dimitri was going to like and play with children, I wouldn't have believed it. Like, how could be the controlling, macho and sexy master be all soft and weak in front of our family and his friends living in the same community as us?

I smile and finish everything by putting the mixture for the cake into the oven.

'Everyone, foods ready!' I said loudly and shouting children barged in the kitchen.

It was chaos.

'Okay everyone calm down! There's enough food for everyone!' I said, but no one listened to me.

I sigh. 'Okay let's play a game!' I said loudly gaining their attention. Yes! 'The first one sitting on their chair at the table will have a big piece of chocolate cake!'

As soon as I said that, they all ran toward the table and struggled to sit down. In a few seconds, everyone was seated. I smiled.

'It seems that everyone is first one... Do I give everyone cake for dessert?' I said as if I was in a deep thought.

'Yes!!' they all shouted excited.

'Okay! But everyone has to eat all their food. Okay?'

'Yes ve vill eat everythin!'

'Great!' I said as I gave each of them small colourful plates with the help of Dimitri and my mom.

When the children were eating and had everything they needed, we, adults, started to eat too. Like always, I made plenty, a buffet for at least 30 persons. But each time, everything was eaten even the desserts and we are only 11, not counting the children.

We all ate and chatted. Everyone was there, both of our family, our friends because their children were friend with my little sweetie.
Anyways, there was a joke bunch of men that ate for 3 persons.

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