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So today I had the biggest ducking existential crisis EVER

Idek what triggered it, but I was just kinda sitting there in math, and then I was like,"Hey Kim, you know, living is the same thing as dying."

she replied,"Yeah pretty much."

then I was like "We're all walking corpses."

Then all through math I just kept talking about how we're all gonna die and that there's no point in life because it's all gonna go to waste, and once we're dead no ones gonna remember what we did in our life.

Then Kim was like "Sky we need to get you to the existential crisis hallway NOW"

and I was like Yas Kim Yas

Liam was like Skyler you need to chill and Cami was like, well idr what she said but she tried to reason with me and Kim was like THERE IS NO REASONING SHES HAVING AN EXISTENTIAL CRISIS

Then I got to web, and I was still having my existential crisis.

I went to the back of the room, and pretended it was a hallway, and just spread myself across the floor. Cameron came over like uh what the fuck and Kim was like she's having an existential crisis.

then I realized the floor was dirty as fuck so I went to mr Wayne's desk and had my existential crisis there instead and just talked to mr Wayne about death and he was like well the point of living is to be happy and laugh and have fun and I was like okay mr Wayne but we're all gonna die

so anyway I'm good now bye

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