Chapter 4

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Settling into the Foster's home wasn't hard. That was probably because I had nothing to to compare it to. It was a family that was particular, have the teacup handles to the left not the right, only crack doors never close them, but above all never go in the study. Mr. Foster seemed to care more about that than telling me how my uniform should look or a curfew.

Mr. Foster did have a drinking problem. It was obvious to anyone who observed him. He needed a new full bottle 17 minutes past the hour every hour he is awake. Granted, he usually didn't drink the whole bottle in an hour, but I believe it made him feel like he was drinking less. In the morning he liked scotch but past two in the afternoon he preferred whiskey, but not always. If he was in the study I was instructed to knock on the door and leave immediately.

"What is in the study that's so confidential? I mean Mr. Foster is only a writer for the newspaper. Has he had a bad incident in the past with wondering eyes?" I asked as I churned the butter for Peggy.

"I 'ave only been 'ere five years and he's always been like that. Nothing's ever happened since I been 'ere. It is a bit queer, I agree."

"But not queer enough to turn around and give up the wages. He sure does pay us a lot, a lot more than anyone else, I heard."

"Victoria, who would you even talk to you? You never leave the 'ouse, at least not frequent enough to know how much other families pay their servants." Peggy's words were harsh but true.

"But he does, doesn't he?" I pressed. Peggy sighed and wiped some sweat off her brow.

"You got me Victoria. He does pay a bit much, but I'll not go poking my nose around to try and ruin my steady income, thank you very much." That ended that topic with one fell sweep. Peggy went about, preparing the luncheon soup. The smell of tomatoes and garlic filled the kitchen as she began to chop them up. "Oh Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" She exclaimed as she reeled her hand away from the cutting board. Blood was dripping on the floor and over Peggy's apron.

"I'll get a bandage." I jumped to my feet and scurried down the hall to where the servants' quarters bathroom, where our medical supplies were kept. I grabbed the bandage and a few towels just in case. I was shocked when I turned around ran straight into Mr. Foster. He smelled of alcohol and he didn't look quite stable on his feet. "Mr. Foster! I'm so sorry. Peggy had a cooking accident in the kitchen. I was fetching her some bandages." I offered a nervous smile. Mr. Foster might have a drinking problem but I'd yet to see him drunk.

"Victoria." He slammed my body against the wall of the narrow servants' corridor.

"Mr. Foster!" I yelled. I dropped the bandage and towels and pushed at him. He didn't let up. "Mr. Foster, I request for you to let me go." I tried to sound calm but I was certain I had failed.

He brought his elbow back and then let his fist come barreling at my stomach. It was a solid but quiet punch. I doubled over and gasped for air. He did it again. And again. And again. Only four and I was on the ground barely able to breath. Mr. Foster stepped over my failing body and left me on the floor in a puddle. My breathing returned to normal but my senses were still on high alert. I grabbed my bandages and towels and stood up slowly.

"Victoria." There was no mistaking that cold nasal female voice. I looked up to see Mrs. Foster. She was short and plump but had brown eyes that could turn anyone to stone. Her platinum blonde hair was in a taught bun at the base of her neck as usual and she wore her classic black frock with her hands clasped behind her back. "I suggest you tell no one of this, event. The last girl tried, nobody has seen her since, but I know where she is. She's buried underneath my rock garden along with other others who made her mistake." I was frozen in place, as was her intent. "she tried to run but we found her. I hope we don't have to do the same with you." She turned and left without another word.

I rushed down to the kitchen scared of another interaction with Mr. or Mrs. Foster.

"Took you long enough. Did you stop at the circus on the way?" Peggy was standing in the same position she was in with her thumb wrapped in her now scarlet apron.

"I'm sorry Peggy." I mumbled as I took her hand.

"I was only joking. You feeling ill? You're awfully pale." Peggy said as I began to dress her wound. She put the back of her hand up to my forehead to test my temperature. "You're a bit clammy. Do you want go lie down, take a rest?" Her green eyes were filled with concern.

"No, no, I'll be fine. I'm just not the best around blood is all." I lied as I finished her bandaging her thumb.

"Why didn't you just say so?! I could've dealt with that meself!" She laughed as I took a step back. "If you're feeling up to it could you finish with the tomatoes?"

"Yes of course." I dutifully took the knife and began to chop the tomato. "Do you happen to know why the last girl left?"

"No. She was 'ere Tuesday night and she wasn't 'ere Wednesday morning. She was talking about this boy that proposed, a catholic boy mind you. She said he wanted to runaway with her to the homeland, Ireland, and be married. Why the sudden interest?"

"I just thought I'd ask. What was her name?"

"Agnes Dumas, I do believe. It's tragic how stupid she was. She had a bonny face but nothing behind it, just empty space. Such a pity."

"How was she stupid? Was she slow?"

"And naive, uneducated, and don't forget about her inability to follow instructions. She almost hurt my cooking because I always had to mind her, make sure she was putting the right things in the right places, you see. You're a very welcome improvement if I do say so meself. I don't think I've ever had a better helper than you for as long as I've been in work." She smiled warmly.

"You look quite a lot like me daughter." She continued. Peggy really like to talk, but she loved someone who would listen. "She had golden hair like yours but she had me eyes, not your blue ones. Poppy was just as pale as you though. I always thought she was going to faint any moment, but she never did. Boy, did she scare me a few times though." She laughed and smiled. Her eyes shone with happy tears.

"Where's Poppy now?" I asked tentatively. Peggy had never told me about her daughter before and I had a bed feeling about Peggy's shiny eyes.

"She went up in a 'ouse fire a few years back. Me 'usband was in that 'ouse when it happened as well." She sniffled slightly. I put down the knife and went over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "I miss 'em a lot sometimes." She spoke through her tears. "Recently though it's been a lot harder to miss 'em because you're 'ere." She pulled away and looked me in the eye.

"You're pure, you know that? I want to help you stay that way." She brought me back into a hug. "It will make me feel like less of a failed mother."

With those words, I knew I couldn't just runaway from Peggy. Mr. Foster was a problem, but it could just be a one off event. I would stay here. For Peggy.

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