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Just reminding you this is all right reserved

After me and Riena made sure Kayden, Phoebe and Irena were safely in bed we made our way to Jordan's office. we knew where to go and many people gave us strange looks. Come on they know who we are for crying out loud. I knocked on the door and waited for Jordan to invite us in.

"Come in" His voice came from behind. Me and Ri walked in and took a seat opposite Jordan and Lucas.

"You wanted to talk to us" I said slowly.

"Yeah" Jordan said slowly. "Why did you leave"

"We obviously weren't wanted here so we thought it would be better for everyone if we left" Riena said.

"Our children deserved a better upbringing" I told him.

"But we're their fathers" Lucas said.

"We where never going to keep them from you forever just enough time for them to grow up and understand things more" I said honestly. Its true not once did we think of keeping them a secret.

"What if we wanted to here their first words, watch them take their fist step" Jordan said angrily.

"You should have thought about that  before you had your fun then rejected us" Riena said clearly very annoyed.

"Their our children" Lucas protested.

"And we're your mates but that didn't seem to bother you" I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Amanda this isn't about us its about my children growing up not know who I was" Jordan growled.

"My children knew about you Jordan. Not one day went past where our son didn't ask about you and I'd always tell him one day you'll meet him" I growled back.

"What are their names" He asked softly.

"Kayden Oliver Locks and Phoebe Taylor Locks" I told him. I say his face light up. Kayden is his middle name  Jordan Kayden Locks.

"There amazing" Jordan said smiling. "You used my surname"

"What's our daughter called Riena" Lucas asked.

"Irena Freya Gabes" Riena told him. Gabes is Lucas's surname .

The door opened and the two girls from earlier stood their.

"Baby when are you coming to bed" The blonde said winking at Jordan. I growled loudly and turned to face her. I pinned her to the wall and could feel my wolf fighting to come out. I felt two hands wrap around my waist and from the sparks I knew it was Jordan.

"Amanda calm down" He whispered in my ear. I began to calm down at the sound of his voice. As soon as I was stable I ripped myself out of his grasp. The girl chucked her self on him and began kissing him.

"Sophie not now" Jordan growled.

"Oh baby your no fun" She said giggling.

"Sophie I'm busy" He growled again.

"Come on, I'm much better than these girls" She said flicking her hair over her shoulder.

"I said I'm busy Sophie now go" He demanded. The girl, Sophie, looked shocked and grabbed the girl next to her and pulled her out.

"Amanda I'm so sorry" Jordan whispered.

"Alpha so you mind is me and Riena go for a walk, just the two of us" Lucas asked Jordan.

"Yes please do" Jordan said politely.

"If you hurt her Lucas I will hurt you" I threatened. I saw him gulp and nod. The two of them walked out leaving me and Jordan alone. He was so close to me I felt nervous.

"I wish I hadn't rejected you" He said edging closer.

"Me to" I said just before he crashed his lips to mine. I wound my hands around his neck and pulled hi closer. He grabbed my waist and lifted me up so I wrapped my legs around him. We stayed like there for several minuets before I pulled away and looked into his eyes. He slowly put me down but kept a tight hold on my hips.

"You mine" he whispered.

"I'm yours" I said. He extended his K9s out and bit into my neck. I could feel power surging through my body. "Jordan" I whispered.

"Am I'm so sorry I just couldn't last any longer without you" He growled the last part.

"No it's fine I'm just surprised you want me. I mean I've got to kids-" He cut me off.

"And those kids are mine Amanda and so are you" He told me.

"What about Sophie" I told him.

"Since you left I just was with her so my pack didn't fall apart." He admitted. I smiled and pecked his lips. He tried to kiss me back but I pulled away and tapped his nose.

"Not again" I said giggling. "Oh and you need to go deal with Sophie".

"Oh god babe can we just stay in a guest room tonight, I'll sort her out in the morning" He pleaded.

"Ok, but first thing tomorrow" I said.

"Yeah whatever" He said crashing his lips back to mine. I kissed him back this time and he pushed me against the wall and help my hips.

"WOW WHAT DID I WALK INTO" Riena shouted. I jumped and hit my head on the self above me.

"Oww" I squeaked. Jordan pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head.

"COME ON GUYS" Lucas shouted. I blushed and ran to Riena who already had her arms open ready to give me a huge hug.

"Bye Jordan. I'll see you later" I said as I walked out.

"ROOM 111" He shouted.

"YEP" I shouted back. Me and Ri walked up to room 111 and sat on the huge queen sized bed.

"So explain how come you to were all over each other" Riena asked. I pulled my hair back to show her my mark.

"We're together and I'm happy about it Ri" I told her. She lunched herself at me and bear hugged me. Then she pulled her hair back and showed me her mark.

"He marked me too" She squealed. Me and Riena are still like teenagers, all this boy stuff still makes us feel happy. There was a knock at the door.

"May me and my mate have some time" Jordan said. Riena nodded and gave me a quick hug and told me she would catch me tomorrow. "Riena, Lucas is in his room 309"

"Thank you" She said then ran out. Jordan walked over to me slowly then scooped me up into his arms then chucked me onto the bed. He climbed on next to me and pulled me close to his side. 

"You are the most amazing mate ever" Jordan whispered in my ear.

"Mmm sorry Jordan but you got to make it up to me before your the best" I said turning so i could face him. Jordan kissed my nose.

"Baby I don't expect you to forgive me yet. I'll work for it though i promise" He said. I couldn't hold it anymore. I crashed my lips to his and he grabbed my hips and moved me so i was straddling him.

"Just give me time" I whispered.

"You can have all the time in the world baby" He told me. I climbed off his and snuggled into his side.

"Night Jordan" I whispered into the darkness.

"Night baby" He whispered back.


Hey i know you may say their relationship happened qickly, its suposed to. They couldnt help what happened. Continue to read and you'll understand more.




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