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Peter's POV

'Wow she is nothing like Alice! She will become the best second Alice Wonderland will ever see.' I thought. I look at Alex and see her- SHE LAUGHS!? 'ALICE WOULD CRIE THAT WE WOULD DIE AND SHE HAS THE TIME OF HER LIFE!? She really is interesting. ' After we landed in the country of hearts I pulled out the little heart bottle, which contains a liquid, the medicine of hearts.

"Well Alex you need to drink this.'
I point at the bottle

"Ok. Wait! There is no poison in it?"

"Wha- !? No!" I respond.

"Oh, good. Wait what am I thinking!? Of course it isn't poisen! One of the rules says that you mustn't harm or kill an outsider!"

"How do you know that!?"

"Let's say I read about it. Now give me the medicine of hearts, please?"
I give her the pink bottle. She drinks the liquid and then looks at the bottle.

I hear her murmur "wow it's so pretty! Even prettier as the on from Alice!"

'What? She knows Alice!? What an interesting person.' I thought.


Sorry guys for the short chapter! It's middle in the night and I should sleep. But I promise the next one will be longer.

Oh and in the picture is Peter white.

-Evonacht :3

=^w^= bye

Me!? The New Alice!? (Alice In The Country of hearts fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now