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A/N: I lost interest in this story. I'll try to make a good ending. It'll be rushed and I'm sorry for that. I still hope you like it.

I walked out the tower, 'better get to heart castle now then never'. After like 15 minuets, I came to heart territory. I walked through the gigantic garden, till I came to an stop in front of the large castle doors. Before I could even knock the doors opened. I get greeted by two maids with no faces. "just walk down the hall. You should then come to a big door, knock on it. The queen and her right hand are in that room." "a'ight" I did as said and knock on the heart shaped door. It got opened by a knight. I walked in the large room and see a throne with Vivaldi on top and Peter on her right. "hello Alex, we are called Vivaldi. It's a pleasure to meet you. " Vivaldi said with a closed eyed smile. As Peter noticed me he jumped up and ran to me, tackling me with a hug. I hugged back and laughed at his childish behavior.

"aww did ya miss me little bun bun?" I peted his fluffy white hair. Someone coughed in front of me. 'oh yeah' I let go of Peter, making him fall on the ground. I walked to the queen, kneeled in front of her and took her hand "hello your majesty, my name is Alex, as you already know" and I kissed her hand just like a gentleman would do, emphasis on man.

I looked up and see Vivaldi with surprised eyes and a little blush on her cheeks. She regained her poster and coughed a little. "Do you want to join us for a cup of tea? " "with pleasure your majesty" "oh please, call us Vivaldi" "well then Vivaldi, shall we go? " she nodded and we made or way (A/n: down town. Walking fast. Faces past and we're home bound. Da Da da Da.) to the garden.

We ate and drank till it became dark, but not night yet. "Alex, do you like to stay over the night? It's not save outside at this time of the day..." "Nah I'm fine. I've got my tent with me and if I have to, I can always kick some ass with my wicked fighting skills. " I made some wannabe Kung Fu hand moves. Both Peter and Vivaldi sweat dropped. "Welp, I'm off. This country doesn't explore itself. Oh and thanks again for that Tea Party" I waved and walk out of the castle, backpack on my back and determination in my pants. (A/n: bless the person who gets it)

I walked a little and boom full night time got real. I got my phone out for some light and started making that tent. It took some time and while working I could hear something rustle in the bushes across from me. Spoopy if you ask me. I got in and made myself comfortable under my blanket. After 20 minuets of just laying there and thinking of fanfiction and other stuff, I fell asleep.

I woke up to lights shining through the tent. Packing everything was even harder than getting everything out, so it took me twice as long, then got ready for walking. I was just walking aimlessly through the land, waiting for something to happen... Till...

... I got stopped by a man with a black coat and black hat. "hey kid, you wanna buy some steaks... Or sausage?" and then he opens his coat to reveal a unicorn.

'OK that didn't actually happened. I. Just wanted to say something entertaining, 'cause that's probably why you're all here ~' 'could you stop breaking the fourth wall?' 'oh hello ALEX. didn't hear from ya since chapter 6! What have you done in that time?' 'oh you know, thinking of ways to kill people... Hey! Don't break the wall again! While I'm talking to you!' 'ups sorry. Just go back from where you're from. I'm kinda busy being bored here' 'fine. Just don't break walls. You're not a grim reminder to humanity.'

I chuckled and walked into a forest. I saw a man standing at a tree. I recalled him being joker... I got no time for Dat. I turned on my non existing heels and walk back the way I came from.

He didn't seem to notice me, so that's good I guess. 'I should walk back to hatters mansion. I've't been there since ages'. 

-time skip- at hatters mansion

"hey dee and dum. Let me pass. "
"only if you-" Dum.
"say the password~" dee.
I look really irritated at them. 'that was not shown in the manga... Quick think Alex what could be the password?' "is it 'password'? "
"nope~" dee.
"you still got two times to answer" Dum.
'so they want to play that game now.' "is it 'I'll punish annoying twins if they don't let me pass'!?" I was now trying to smile, but that looked very scary cause of my aura.
"e-eh no" dee.
"still one guess left" dum.
I get my backpack off and search in it for my beloved butterfly knife. 'hopefully I packed it with me... There found it! ' I holded the knife and said "now either both of you let me pass or blood needs new gatekeepers~" my eyes probably wide with insanity.

I dash towards them before they could even answer.

In the picture above is Vivaldi.

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