Twenty Two Seconds is All I Need

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The morning after Orenda had come and painted 0.5 of me maroon, I woke up and lay in my bed for several minutes, surrounded by the lingering smell of acrylic paint and practically all of her art supplies piled up in my closet haphazardly. Long story short, when Orenda told me that her mom was probably freaking out about where she had gone, we had tried our best to clean up the mess that Orenda had made whilst painting me, and in the fastest amount of time - but in the end we kind of gave up and just stuck all of her supplies in the closet and she took off just like that. The overwhelming smell started bothering me after a while, so I got up and opened the window to let some air in to sweep away the stench, and consequently the smell of Orenda as well. And then I crawled back into bed.

After about two eons of me sitting and sulking on my bed (as per usual), my mom burst into my room, followed with the smell of bacon and eggs wafting in. She told me that we were going to church for Easter Sunday; which we did, after my dad made about three million puns about his new runners (ex. "wow these will make me extra sneaky today!")


The church that we attended semi-occasionally resided in a sort of creepy little neighbourhood and was made up of mostly old grumpy people and smelly toddlers, but was amazingly nice nonetheless. Well, amazing as in the building didn't smell like mold. Our social rankings weren't something to be proud of; the old and grumpy people knew the other old and grumpy people, and we didn't - but maybe that's because we weren't old nor grumpy. We could very well be thought of as the outcast group in a typical 90's highschool setting.

As my dad circled the parking lot for a good spot, my mom and I got off first and went into the building through the side doors. The hallway leading towards the main always smelled like coffee that was brewed a bit too much, and once that smell started fading into the smell of old fabric, I knew that we had entered the actual church part of the church. Our church was small, and since it was small and located in a small place, we didn't have much funding. And since there was no funding, that meant that there were no fancy chairs, but rather cold plastic chairs that were positioned in a drafty room in front of a podium, which, as my mom explained, looked like it would collapse any minute.

We sat down in our usual seats at the back and I felt someone come up and tap on my shoulder. It was Egan, and his mom had joined us as well. They had been joining us for a heck of a long time, actually, because back when they had immigrated my mom was over the top friendly and had asked Ms. Tanakado if she would like to join us for church on Sunday, and I guess they never really stopped going to church on Sunday.

"Hey Fish," Egan said. I said hi back. The worship team started singing.

"Outlast Corruption 2 today? I'll help you beat the next level," he whispered to me as a familiar song played in the background.

"Sure," I whispered back.

A few songs passed.

"Is Orenda going to be there again?" Egan whispered again.

"Orenda May?"

"Are you saying that Orenda 'may' be there or are you asking if I am talking about Orenda May?"

"I'm referring to her name, Egg."

"Oh. So, is she?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just wondering. Oh, by the way, I need to-" The pastor suddenly raised his voice and cut Egan off.

"Shut up, he's talking about the Resurrection," I said, deadpan.

He did shut up, but it was mostly because Ms. Tanakado was having some trouble understanding what the pastor was saying, so Egan ended up translating the pastor's sermon for her the entire time.

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