#HC 4

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For the ones who can't see the pic:

au where Sirius is with Lily when her water breaks and they can't get a hold of James and Sirius is panicking and running around breathing heavily to get himself together because his best friend's wife is going into labour right before his eyes and meanwhile Lily is waiting at the front door with a bag and a slight smirk on her face.

After like 20 minutes of "Did I pack your toothbrush. Did I pack mine/James's/baby's toothbrush. Oh wait, the baby won't have teeth.", Lily is finally like, "You need to get on with it."

At one point he yells, "I'm not ready to be a father!" And Lily says, " This isn't your baby, Sirius."

Sirius says, "Puh-lease Lily, this is everyone's baby. "

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