July 20 2013

22 0 0

"...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Everyone in the pub sang.

"C'MON KELSEY! DRINK!" Harley chanted.

I took a shot and squinted my eyes. I felt a hand tap the side of my shoulder. "YEAH! One down 18 to go."

I turned my head to reveal a man with a beard and brown eyes. It was none other than my older brother Christopher. He was the one who was able to rent this whole bar for my 18th.

"CHRISTOPHER!" I screamed jumping in to his arms. He lifted me then spun me around once.

"How you feeling baby sis?" He asked. Leaning his arm on the table. I mocked his action shifting my weight from one side of the body to another. Causing me to loose balance. Luckily a gentlemen with blonde hair and blue eyes caught me. Our eyes met then my attention was brought back to my brother who said "Kelsey, meet Prince Charming."

"Actually its pronounced Chandler." He said chuckling. He seemed distracted by another girl. My best friend Harley. She too had blonde hair and blue eyes. But boy, was she smart. She was tall but still wore heels. She was much more quote on quote chunkier than I was. Nevertheless she was not at all fat.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. As i heard footsteps following me.

"What happened baby sis, not enjoying the party?" My brother said handing me one more shot. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulder again and tears start to roll down my face. "Awh, Kelsey no." My brother said pulling me in to a warm embrace.

"I know you miss him Kels, but if he doesn't realize that a college is nothing compared to you then he's at a loss." Suddenly he received a phone call, it was Jon Daniels GM of the New York Rangers...

"Hello... Yes... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! I-uh-I mean yes of course I would be honored too. Thanks so much for this opportunity. You wont be let down sir."

I took my seat at the bar and straightened up waiting to hear the news.

"I'M GETTING SENT UP KELS! I'M GOING TO BE A ROOKIE FOR THE 13'-14' SEASON!" Chris said. He came in with a hug as i congratulated him.

"Don't fuck up." I said raising my shot glass to him and nodding.

"Gaberiel, make sure she finishes all her shots." He said as he pointed to him. He tuned in and turned his head to nod back. He continued to wipe down the counters.

"I'll be there in a sec." He said.

His jawline was so sharp. I would probably cut my fingers off just touching it. His side portfolio looked handsome and some water was on the lower part of his white shirt causing the shirt to stick to his abs. Revealing his 8 pack.

He turned my direction and finally revealed his face. I gasped and thought this couldn't be true.
He looked like Isaac. Suddenly I felt dizzy. Before I knew it i hit the floor and blacked out.

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