July 21 2013

11 0 0

Gabriel POV

"CHRIS!" I yelled through the bar. My hand was placed on top of Kelsey's head. I look around to see a crowd of scared drunk people looking around. Damn, these are who Kelsey calls friends. Some friends not even helping her out.

"OH MY GOSH." I hear an ear shrieking noise of the bar door being pushed open so fast. It screech so loudly.

"Kelsey, C'mon Kelsey." A desperate Chris yelled. He shook her. To my surprise she started waking up.

Chris looked up to me and said "Clear the bar."

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BAR." I yelled motioning my hand through the door.

A giggle escaped Kelsey's mouth and from there I knew she had way to much.

"Kels, its going to be alright." Chris whispered to her ear. "Gabriel's going to take care of you."

"What the hell? And where are you going to be?" I asked him waving my hands up in the air.

"New York. I got called up Gabe!" He said. I was happy for him but extremely jealous. He's getting his shot at the NHL while in stuck in the stupid AHL team Hartford Wolfpack.

"All I ask from you is to take care of her. Just until she can be on her feet. Her engagement plans were broken off by this douche named Isaac. Choose hockey over her." Chris stated.

"Shit man, that sucks. Alright I'll do it." I said.

Time skip-12:30

I finally managed to get Kelsey up the stairs to my loft. I carried her bridal style. She even threw up outside the complex. I'll just let sanitation deal with it. I laid her down carefully on my bed. When I turned around I felt a tug her on my pants. I tumbled back words only to be greeted by a drunk shirtless Kelsey.

"Hey handsome." She said. She climbed on top of me kissing my neck until..."Isaac, come inside me Isaac." I pushed her off. To be frank, I probably would have most likely got in her pants. But I would like the girl to know my name before we do something.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and by the time I came back Kelsey was fast asleep. Her phone rang uncontrollably with Happy Birthday text messages and being the annoyed person I was, I tried to figure out how to turn off the sound. I took her phone, it had no passcode. I went on to settings and put it on silent until a message caught my attention.

Happy Birthday Kelsey

I clicked on the text message, It was the only one in the conversation. I dismissed the text message and put her phone back on the nightstand.

I climbed next to the beautiful brunette girl next to me and admired her beauty as i fell asleep.

Kelsey POV

I woke up to the sound of a shower running. I turned my head over to reveal an apartment I was not familiar with. I saw an unmade bed next to me and turned my head to see orange juice and aspirin next to me. Then it hit... A major headache. I closed my eyes and groaned. There was a note folded in front of the orange juice that said Drink me. And a smaller note in front of the aspirin that said eat me. As instructed I did so. After which I turned my head to the doorway. Revealing a wet man carrying a glass of milk.

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