September 12 2013

13 0 0

Kelsey POV

I turn over to my night stand. The bright light of my phone caused my eyes to squint as the date read 9/12/13. My emotions became sad as I eventually became reminded of the time Isaac proposed to me. I turned over to be greeted by a sleeping not to mention shirtless Gabriel with his arms over my hips. I slid his arm off my hips and forced myself out of bed then took a shower. Letting the white foam exfoliate my hair and drip off in large sections.

I pushed the glass door open and quietly tiptoed my way to the dresser only to realize Gabriel was not in bed anymore. I stole my favorite white shirt from his drawer and draped it around my body. I took a couple steps toward the the kitchen only to be greeted by the smell of pancakes. Gabriel hovered over the stove, he was shirtless. I took a seat at the barstool and picked a berry from the basket. He turned around and smiled at me.

"Good Morning Beautiful." He said.

"Hey Handsome." I said as I approached him. He gave me a peck on my cheek and pulled my hips to his. Keeping his hand around my waist. I felt secure.

"Last night was amazing." He said. I smiled at that remark and hopped on the island of his apartment kitchen.

"About that..." I started muttering.

He placed the stack of pancakes next to me. Then focused his attention back to me. He leaned his arm on the table and looked up.

I started to speak..."What are we? Sleeping buddies? Friends?"

"Eat one." He said pointing at the pancake stack.

"Are you ever going to answer my question Gabriel?" I ask sternly. He looked at me then looked back at the counter continuing to clean up his mess. I shook my head and muttered the words "wow."

I take a plate from the cabinet. Until a black box fell. It read the words open me. I proceeded to open the black velvety box and to my surprise it was a gold necklace that read 091213 on a plate.

"Gabriel what is this?" I asked holding up the box that contained the necklace.

"What day is today?" he asked.

"September 12 2013." I respond.

"Aha!" He spoke waving his pointed finger in the air. "I almost forgot there was something I needed to ask you Kels."

"Ya..." I said trying not to seem nervous. My hands started shaking and my heart beat fast.

He took the velvet box from my hand and adjusted his posture. He held it to my face and said "Kelsey Abrams. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Water filled my eyes and I nodded my head. I had trouble saying the word yes. He smiled and locked the necklace around my neck.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

"Gabe, I love it."

"Kelsey theres one more thing i need to ask you?" He spoke. I nodded my head and looked back in to his brown sparkly eyes.

"Why do you bother buttoning up this shirt if you know I'm just going to unbutton it again?" He asked. His question took my by surprise. I bit my lip and looked at him. He took my hand and pulled me in to his bedroom then....

Isaac POV.

"Hey Talon. I was wondering if we could meet up today." I spoke in the phone.


"Want me to pick you up at your dorm?"

"No. Absolutely not." She stated. It took me by surprise therefore my hands grew shaky. She spoke again "uh-uhm-I-I mean thats not necessary. Lets meet up at the mall."

"Uh, k... How bout' the shops at Chesnut Hill?" I asked her.

"Sure!" She responded. A smile began to grow on my face as I pressed the red round button.

Time skip-

A familiar sound went off in my phone. I took one hand off the wheel as I listened to the voice message. Sounds of crackling noises began to sound then Talons voice started to emerge.

"Hey Isaac, Listen I'm going to the a little bit lat-" The sound of her voice was cut off by a man screaming. I stomped on the breaks as I came face to face with a big "round" man in a Boston Bruins Crewneck hoodie and Celtics hat.

"HEY BUDDY! WATCH WHERE YA GOING." He yelled. My heart was beating out of my chest.

I pulled up in to the parking space and pressed my head against my seat as i began to process everything that happened. I took a breath then once again took my phone and attempted to listen to Talons voice message. She stated she may be a couple minutes late. But then i received a text message.

Talon Ferrero
I'm soooooo sorry! I hate to do this but I have to take a rain check! Can we do this next time?!

Of Course. Don't sweat it ;)

I lied. I was extremely mad. I drove all the way out here for nothing. I hit the horn of the car causing people to jump.

"Fuck!" I said out of frustration and anger.

Talon POV
Okay. So i lied. No I'm not a Harvard student. I don't have the grades, nor the money for it. I was a high school drop out who had nothing better to do with her spare time. The high school drop out who moved all the way to Boston to be with her boyfriend. Only to realize he's living on a couch with another set of room mates.

I try to explain the situation to my boyfriend.

"Were both broke Byron! If i get him to think I'm in to him. I sure as hell can extort money out of him. He's obviously a rich kid who's going to BC to play a sport or something." I state. He looks over to me while still in his kitchen.

While shifting all the weight to the palm of his hands he began to speak. "Yeah a rich kid who gets to touch my girl. We've been over this so many times. I'm not going to let you go. And extorting money out of this poor kid? Tal thats so wrong." He states. He lets out a sight while my phone buzzes uncontrollably. Text messages coming from Isaac and Mallory Griffith.

Isaac Riccardi
Hey where are you?

I'm soooooo sorry! I hate to do this but I have to take a rain check! Can we do this next time?!

Mallory Griffith
Wheres the money you owe me?! Its late!

I'm working on it. Trust me. But you need to understand $3,000 doesn't just happen over night!

Mallory Griffith
ITS BEEN SEVERAL MONTHS! Plus now that your in Boston, where I live, I can make sure I get it.

My heart beat out of my chest uncontrollably.
"DAMN IT!" I said as I punch the wall.

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